What can ICOs learn from the electrification of cars?

Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2018

Imagine having the world’s fastest racing car; you’ve got the keys, you’ve got the license, the registration, the beautiful interior — it’s all there. But here’s the thing, you hardly ever get to drive it - Why? The gas stations don’t accept your money, and the price of gas is in constant flux: one day it’s super cheap, the next it’s worth almost as much as the car itself.

That’s what’s happening to today’s ICOs. They are raising an eye-watering amount of funds (over 1 billion in 2018 alone), but once the funds are in their wallet, it’s incredibly hard to use them in a practical way.

Here are the two critical issues: liquidity and volatility. The former breaks down like this, I raise $1 million in ETH but I can’t use it to pay my rent. The latter, I raise $1 million in ETH but its value could drop drastically in the same afternoon. Now I’m asking myself….

How do I use a store of value (that’s continually fluctuating) to make sure that my two kids have their school fees paid?

The answer is stablecoins. For those of you who don’t know, stablecoins are crypto assets designed to reduce the volatility affecting most cryptocurrencies. For those of you who do know about stablecoins, you’ll be thinking of Tether. Tether was designed to hold its value against the US dollar by having one USDT (tether) to every USD in the bank. According to the press Tether generates mixed views, either way their concept represents a breakthrough in the way crypto can interact with fiat.

We at Globcoin have taken this concept and tweaked the means of that stability by creating ‘currency baskets’ pegged to the world’s 15 most powerful economies — and gold. These currency baskets are associated to our digital tokens (GLX). This is our way of running parallel to the market’s growth, while eliminating the effects of downturns.

The benefits for traders and investors are obvious: converting funds to our digital asset token (GLX) safeguards their money against swings in the market. But the benefits for entrepreneurs, startups and enterprises is even stronger. They have a lot more questions answered:

How do we define our funds?

Where should we store our funds?

How do we minimize fiat-related taxation?

How do we pay our rent and team?

What if my options package has lost its value after the vesting period?

GlobCoin answers these question with one word: stability. We ensure that your business, team and vision are future-proofed. Your company will not be dictated by the markets highs and lows, or token moons’ and dips. You will have security over the funds your raise.

That race car you’ve got needs to be driven, if no one accepts your money, and the gas price is completely manic, why not go electric?

This is just one example of how GlobCoin encourages the adoption of cryptocurrencies. Stay tuned to learn more ways we will bring stability and protect the needs of the global village!

*Written by: Helie d’Hautefort- Globcoin CEO

