Why do we need a global currency?

Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017

We live in a global village

Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian intellectual who predicted the Internet almost 30 years before it was invented. He was also the first one to use the term “Global Village” as a metaphor, to describe a world that’s “shrinking” more and more into the size of a village thanks to electric technology and the use of telecommunications, which allow the instantaneous movement of information.

If McLuhan thought of that in the 60s, imagine what he would say now! Technology, and specially the Internet (and all its consequences) make us feel like we all live right next to each other.

A currency for the globalized world

Although it may sound like a utopia for some, a global or world currency is actually a well-known concept in International Finance and Foreign Exchange Markets. It refers to a currency that can be used for transactions across the globe without borders. As the world becomes more globalized each day, the need for “speaking the same language” in every aspect of daily life, becomes more evident.

However, GLOBCOIN experts have published several research papers on an interesting paradox: Even though we live in a global world, we still think in terms of a local currency. “We live global but we save local”. The truth is, a solution to the global currency paradox haven’t been made available to the community until now.

The GLOBCOIN project

Launched in 2013 by a team based in Switzerland and the United Kingdom, the “Global Reserve Currency” is an index that could be assimilated to a “World Currency” and has been already offered to large corporations and high net worth individuals for several years. Now, GLOBCOIN wants everyone to have access to a digital coin called “GLX” linked to this index, reflecting the world economy and offering solutions to a globalized world.

Our vision is to revolutionize the access to currencies and to reinvent solutions to protect wealth in a new multi-polar world. We want to make this possible by offering new tools where innovation and experience come together for the benefit of our “Global Village”. Thanks to the Blockchain technology and Ethereum, GLOBCOIN will soon be able to offer such a tool to every individual on Earth.


Written by: Eva — GLOBCOIN Community Manager

