The Ultimate UAE Visa Guide 2023: Maid Visa, Spouse Visa, Child Visa, Job Visa, and Documentation Attestation

3 min readSep 14, 2023


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) continues to be a top destination for expatriates seeking employment opportunities and a high standard of living. As of 2023, the UAE’s visa policies have evolved to cater to the diverse needs of expatriates, offering a range of visa options for various purposes. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the different types of UAE visas, including maid visas, spouse visas, child visas, job visas, and the essential documentation attestation process.

Maid Visa

  1. The UAE has long been a popular destination for domestic workers from various countries. To bring a maid to the UAE in 2023, you’ll need to follow these steps:

a. Eligibility: Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria, which typically includes a minimum income requirement and a valid residence permit.

b. Sponsorship: You must sponsor your maid’s visa, and this entails assuming responsibility for her well-being during her stay in the UAE.

c. Documents: Prepare the required documents, including your employment contract, proof of income, and your maid’s passport.

d. Application: Submit the application to the relevant UAE authorities. This can typically be done through a typing center.

e. Medical and Health Insurance: Ensure that your maid undergoes a medical examination and has adequate health insurance coverage.

Spouse Visa

  1. If you are an expatriate residing in the UAE and wish to bring your spouse to join you, the spouse visa is your option. Here’s how to obtain it:

a. Marriage Certificate: Have your marriage certificate attested in your home country and then by the UAE embassy or consulate.

b. Sponsorship: You will be the sponsor for your spouse’s visa.

c. Application: Submit the application with the required documents, including a valid marriage certificate.

d. Medical Examination: Your spouse will need to undergo a medical examination.

Child Visa

Bringing your children to the UAE is a straightforward process. Here’s what you need to do:

a. Sponsorship: As a parent, you will sponsor your child’s visa.

b. Documents: Prepare the necessary documents, including the child’s birth certificate and passport.

c. Application: Submit the application along with the required documents.

Job Visa

The UAE offers various types of job visas, including employment visas, investor visas, and freelancer visas. The process generally involves:

a. Employment Offer: Secure a job offer from a UAE employer.

b. Employment Contract: Sign an employment contract with your employer.

c. Documents: Prepare all the required documents, such as educational certificates, experience letters, and a valid passport.

d. Application: Your employer will usually handle the visa application process.

Documentation Attestation

Attesting your documents is a crucial step in the visa application process. It involves verifying the authenticity of your educational certificates, marriage certificates, and other relevant documents. The process usually includes the following steps:

a. Home Country Attestation: Get your documents attested in your home country through government agencies and notary public.

b. UAE Embassy Attestation: Visit the UAE embassy or consulate in your home country to further attest your documents.

c. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Attestation: In the UAE, your documents will need to be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The UAE’s visa regulations in 2023 continue to offer a wide range of opportunities for expatriates seeking to live, work, or reunite with their families in the country. Whether you’re applying for a maid visa, spouse visa, child visa, or job visa, thorough preparation and adherence to the documentation and attestation process are essential for a smooth transition to life in the UAE. Stay updated with the latest regulations from official UAE government sources to ensure your visa application process is as seamless as possible.

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