Grounding Techniques: Asana, Root Chakra Meditation and Affirmations for Financial and Emotional Security

Gina Henry
4 min readFeb 13, 2024


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Chakras are energy centers that correspond to organs and areas of the body. Although usually seen as wheels along the front of the body, they are actually located on the spine.

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The root chakra, or Muladhara chakra (mul = root and adhara= base) is located at the tailbone and is associated with the perineum between the anus and genitals, elimination processes, and the first three vertebrae.

It’s the foundation that supports our bone structure.

  • Physical: Lower back, legs, feet, colon and bladder;
  • Emotional: Security, stability, feeling grounded; and,
  • Mentally: The ability to care for oneself and belonging within ones environment.

Characteristics of the root chakra include:

  • The element of earth, our foundation;
  • The color red for strength and vitality; and,
  • The seed mantra “LAM”.

Ram Jain explains the role of the root chakra in his Complete Guide to the Root Chakra as the center of Apana Prana which is the vital force needed for excretion functions.

He states, “Apana Prana is necessary for removing the toxins from the body and refreshing the earth element. If the earth element is not refreshed regularly, it rots in the body and causes a variety of physical and mental diseases.”


When balanced we feel grounded, in tune with our surroundings, stable and secure (both financially and emotionally). If not balanced it throws all the other chakras out of whack.

When imbalanced:

  • Physical:
  1. Intestinal pain and digestive problems
  2. Lower body pain
  3. Weight gain or loss
  4. Constipation
  5. Pelvic pain
  6. Incontinence
  7. Urinary Tract Infections
  8. Lower back pain
  • Mental and Emotional:
  1. Panic attacks
  2. Anxiety disorders
  3. Lethargic
  4. Depression
  5. Eating disorders especially overeating
  6. Scattered thinking
  7. Inability to get things done
  8. Financial problems
  9. Hoarding material items
  10. Greed and financial problems
  11. Insomnia or excessive sleep
  • Spiritually we feel disconnected and isolated. Many times simply walking in nature is enough.
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6 Gentle Yoga Poses to Help Balance the Root Chakra

(Keep your breath long and deep, inhale to 6, exhale to 8.

  1. The easiest is to stand tall in mountain pose. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart and relax your shoulders: inhale and shrug them up to your ears and exhale, lowering the shoulders and rolling them back. Do a couple times. Lift through the spine and the top of the head. Keep your hands at your sides, palms facing outwards. Feel all four corners of your feet balance onto the ground and be sure your hip, knee and ankle are all in alignment and your knee is straight over the foot and not tracking right or left. Hold for 5 breaths.
  2. Step the right foot back into warrior II, far enough so your left leg, bent, aligns with the ankle; your right foot should be angled towards the top right corner and your arms are held straight out horizontally to the ground, palms down. Your pelvis is actually angled and not straight forward. Hold 5 breaths. Step back into mountain pose and repeat Warrior II on the other side. Return to mountain pose.
  3. Slowly, using a chair for support if needed, lower into garland pose squat. Take your legs a little wider inhale and exhale into a squat, balancing with your hands flat on the ground, spine straight. You can put your hands in prayer mudra if you like. I keep my feet on the ground but I’ve seen people do it on their toes. Hold for 5 breaths.
  4. Lower slowly into easy pose and become aware of your breath, slowing it down and straighten your spine and relaxing your shoulders. Close your eyes for 5 deep breaths.
  5. Come to tabletop and then slowly lower back into a wide legged child’s pose. You may use a bolster or yoga blocks. Stay here for 5 breaths.
  6. Slowly come out and then come to your back for corpse pose. Just count your breaths, 1 to 10, and repeat. Maintain pose a minimum of 5 minutes with a goal of 15.
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Meditation and Other Practices:

The mantra for the root chakra is LAM and I recommend a YouTube search, everyone has different tastes. You could also use secular affirmations such as “I am safe”, “I am financially secure", “I am grounded”. There are many Bible verses particularly where God tells the Israelites to not be afraid or Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

Ayurvedic tradition recommends red food! Think rainbow in the fruits and vegetables section including red leaf lettuce, eggplant and purple cauliflower. Root vegetables especially sweet potatoes, red potatoes and carrots are earthy foods. Seeds are particularly good as are fatty fish like salmon, eggs, and spicy foods like cayenne, jalapeno and Serrano peppers.

