Any Writers
Published in
6 min readMay 26, 2022


An Ordinary Girl

Mighty in the mundane, caring about the simple things.

Photo Credit: Etty Fidele on Unsplash

I don’t want to do big things. I just want to do one thing at a time and take on each day as it comes.

I want to wake up enthusiastically to face my days, engage in some meaningful works I love, have enough money to spoil some humans, smile widely, laugh a lot, and then sleep content at night.

I’d love to create stuff and bring ideas to life just as the Creator intended. I mean, I love the excitement of discovery, when I put some raw materials together and it makes so much sense in the end! It’s exciting.

I want to choose because we exert so much power when we can make choices. I want to occupy the spaces meant for me and to connect reasonably with other beings. That’s surely not too much to ask.

To dress comfortably and very modestly but show up big at my friends’ wedding ceremonies like I’m sent by the devil to steal their spouses or be the assistant bride. I’m fully ready to take their celebrations personally!

I want my choice of hairdo, style, nail polish, and click from the heel of my shoes all to be expressions of me. Creators we are, much like the Creator who made us and blessed us with inner powers and productive minds.

I want to wear simple jewelry. Maybe expensive, not so sure and honestly don’t care but it shouldn’t be screaming…help! I’m fake!

I’d love to lock my hair or keep it low because I’m tired of changing hairstyles and making my nation, not hair-proud. Simplicity and quiet beauty is my name.

I’d love to be at the top. I hear it isn’t populated and I’m not such a big fan of crowded places. I even hate to overthink my budget nor do my calculations over and again like it’s some physics discovery, before being able to purchase an ant. And having to constantly remind me that the Lord is my Shepherd. But well, even at the top, He’d always be, that won’t change.

I don’t want a mansion – I don’t see the use of many rooms or maybe it’s a poverty mentality I carry around without knowing or what do you think? I’ve never really stayed in a house with many rooms. Such places feel foreign to me, more like hotels you hop in and hop out.

I want to grow a garden. I want my hands to get dirty with the soil. To plant beautiful flowers and watch things grow. I love growth and solitude. I wish to care for a pet as little and as cute as Bailey. To be disciplined enough to eat more greens than pizza and pasta.

To love an ordinary man. To love this man for such a long time and never get used to loving. Desiring it to stay new on a daily with zero doses of see-finish. I want to be lazy with my partner cause I’ve been trained to be up and doing and as a rebellious G, I’m tired of being up and doing. But can that be? In this world where we all have to blow?

I’ll be an ordinary mom. Waking the kids early, prepping them for school, and helping out with their homework. Teaching them how to pray, dance, and the rest even down to getting them prepared for their date nights. I can imagine being twice as excited as them on such days.

I want to be an ordinary friend, cheering my friends on this path of life. Being there on their good days and being present to clean their teary eyes. Present as a forefront cheerleader in the lives of my loved ones and being the ever-ready-to-serve-babe, and ultimate baby girl for life.

I want to hold meaningful conversations, ask genuine thought-provoking questions, and not just say stuff to fill up the space in dialogues. I want to start and finish conversations and not jump from one to the other inconclusively.

I hope my friends stay close enough such that I can show up with flowers by their hospital beds when they are out from the labor room with my godkids. Virtual, long-distance life can be crazy sometimes and I love hugs and would want to exchange them as I can.

As a creator, I’d love to write till I breathe my last. I’d love to describe my death day and then probably die like a cutie wearing light make-up with a pink wrap around her head. Okay, I didn’t mean that, but seriously, I want to write! I want to write about the sun that shone on my wedding day and the peace and calm I felt. About the first feel of my baby in my hands. About the awful menstrual cramps that sometimes make me want to curse womanhood and about the softest kiss I received with pure delight in my eyes and thought it was the best thing in the world.

I want my ink to bleed out my raw truth and then when I leave here, I want my loud laugh to resonate through humanity and my kindness to light the hearts of some hearts that met me such that the memory of me leaves a smile on their faces and less of teardrops.

I want to get used to being slightly physically negligible but with a voice too forceful to be ignored. One that tells a man that he is wrong for objectifying a woman’s body. Saying so and meaning it without laughing in between or making it sound light.

One that tells the bus driver that he did wrong by stopping to buy fuel without giving prior notice to his passengers, hurrying to get to work. Courtesy! I want to address the ills of society and paint pictures of the world as it ought to be. I think we’ve accepted obscured standards as the ideal.

I want to have quiet birthdays with fewer encomiums and share those red letter days with my favorite people – being genuinely happy on those days.

I want to live with focus. Less noise from news and social media without the FOMO. I don’t want the crowd neither do I want the public figure tag. Life in the limelight could be paralyzing, leaving me with the feeling that those eyeballs are scrutinizing my every move, even when they aren’t!

I don’t want to live for the crowd. I don’t want to talk to make them laugh, I’m not a clown. I want to stay quiet if I’ve got nothing to say and get used to the silence that’s a part of a conversation. I shouldn’t flee silence or try to fill it up to make the other comfortable.

I want my persona to be constant from person to person and not change with the changing faces. I seek constance. I want to do what I want to do, not to make them nod in agreement but because it’s the right thing to do. Selfish thoughts here, but if I make this post, I want to do so first, for me, …then maybe for you. But first, me.

But in all, I hope we go to the beaches often and eat in our gardens with pure chatter and laughter. Living more simply, dressing less dramatically, and being original versions of ourselves.

But you see? these are all in my head right now because tomorrow I shall arise and appear before my oga Ademola to record proceedings from a very boring court session and then wait till the clock says 5 pm to pack my bags and go again the next day.

…because ordinary could be glowing and mundane, attractive.

If this piece was interesting or caused some other positive emotion, please clap a lot or buy me a coffee for just $1. Thank you.



Any Writers

The Creator’s Copycat, immortalising thoughts. I write personal essays on city adventures, growth and optimal living.