Glory Burning
Glory Burning

Glory Burning is an interactive multimedia project following the fates of Glory Arbora and Faith Didaea, two college students who were kidnapped and involved in a subsequent tragedy that has left Glory dead and Faith grieving. In the aftermath, their story was sensationalized by news broadcasts, a documentary, and a popular true-crime podcast called “Moth Murders.” Now, Glory’s murderer still runs free, and Faith can’t escape the scrutiny of the public eye.

With each update, you will read through scripts from “Moth Murders,” and you will be presented with evidence that may bring you closer or farther from the truth. It’s up to you who to believe: “Moth Murders,” Faith, or Glory herself as she haunts her own narrative, speaking into microphones and damaging evidence.

General content warnings for Glory Burning include: Discussion and sensationalization of murder, in-depth discussion of missing persons cases, victim-blaming, in-depth discussion and description of physical torture, gun violence, knife violence, stalking, threats of kidnapping, and kidnapping.

Glory Burning

Glory Burning

A tragedy, a sensation, and an elusive murderer. Read transcripts, evidence, and journal entries as the search for the man behind a terrible tragedy unfolds.