Why is it important to understand behaviors, customs, and laws that are particular to a specific place you are traveling to?

Carrie Pasquarello
2 min readJul 24, 2018


For one, you may end up in jail.

Travel Prepared.— Travel Informed

Understanding the laws and customs of a country can be lifesaving. In Egypt, a woman tourist named Mona el-Mazbouh was arrested in May and she remains in custody. She was incarcerated, her freedoms removed after she produced and posted a ten-minute video on Facebook insulting the Egyptian community. In her video she stated she was sexually harassed and, while angry, she proceeded to say things including, “Egyptians are the dirtiest people” and other insulting statements. However, when the Egyptian government learned about the video, the government took it as an insult to their entire country. The police arrested her before she was able to leave Egypt. She was charged with “deliberately broadcasting false rumors which aim to undermine society and attack religions”. The Egyptian government sentenced her to 11 years. It was subsequently reduced to eight years and she was also fined $598. She has an appeal date set for July 29th, we will have to wait and see if her conviction is upheld. After her arrest, she did post an apology video stating, “I definitely didn’t mean to offend all Egyptians.”

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by the United Nations, “Freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. This is a beautiful idea and I continue to hope we gain more minds to think this way. However, today we continue to struggle globally with Human Rights issues. As we travel to exotic and new destinations, we need to research local laws, customs, and human rights. It is vitally important to be prepared to coexist with other cultures while exploring other countries. Don’t get thrown in jail for doing or saying something deemed unacceptable against the customs or laws of the country you are visiting.

Take a look here to compare different countries in regard to Freedom in the World 2018

Carrie Pasquarello of Global Secure Resources Inc. is dedicated to risk mitigation, threat assessment planning for improving the health, safety, and security for all travelers. Pasquarello’s decades of overseas experience, combined with her passion for travel, make her a vital resource for families and individuals contemplating international travel. In addition, she volunteers her time as a crisis counselor and teaches Community Awareness Prevention programs in Boston.

