
2 min readJun 25, 2022


where do I even start ……

hello, my life is complicated, actually, I lied it isn’t. But it’s not really straightforward either, is there a word in the dictionary for that?

just a girl that lived all her childhood in Nigeria and moved to the UK, now confused about what her social life has become.

I would not consider myself an extroverted person but when I get comfortable hmmmmm…..

I am very far from my natural habitat and I did not really appreciate how we could understand each other sense of humor and body language until I moved to this strange place.

A few years here and I still can’t hack the social life, I miss just being able to make jokes and most people will understand it .*sigh*

Well, this is a conversation for another time……

Don’t ask me my favorite color, food, or favorite anything, I like what i like.

I am single but not sure if I am ready to mingle, or maybe I haven’t really spoken to anyone I like, or maybe no one has really shown interest in me or maybe I am just used to how Nigerian guys flirt … IDK .

hmmm but forget that thing ohhh , before I moved to this country i be hot cake ….. (stories coming up *wink*).

But now that I am in the UK I don’t know what happened, I couldn’t explain it even if I tried.

like I said in my description I am just a Nigerian girl living this meaningless life like everyone else …..

I really wonder how much will unfold in the next few years.

~welcome to my life.





Just a Nigerian girl living this meaningless life like everybody else 🥂