Consumption is the real deal for skin: Here are ‘My Top 5 Picks for a Glowing Skin.’

5 min readJan 20, 2024


The fuel that is needed for the human body to grow and get nourishment are the very basic and wildly known nutrients such as carbs, calcium, proteins etc.

A great leap towards a successful ‘body-goal’ body requires intake of such nutrients.
Right now, this vessel of yours yearns for the vital intakes. The natural and organic consumption of food will no longer make you question your damaging skin type, texture etc.

image from google

The following foods, which I have personally tried and tested out, boosted astonishing outcomes for me and will hopefully work out the same way for my fellow readers

1- Honey
2- dry fruits
3- fish
5- seeds and grains

  • Honey

This thick and shiny liquid that fills up our mouths with such sweetness which is incomparable is known to be the greatest asset for your skin.

image from google

I believe that with honey, there’s a ‘love n hate’ relationship. Either you love it too much or despise the taste of honey. And if I have to be brutally honest, well the intake of honey is not my cup of tea at all. Infact I avoid taking honey and only do when I am suffering from a severe sore throat.
But trust me my fellas, this divine’s nature is what kept my skin smooth and soft and moisturized even in this dry winter
Honey has helped me solve my tanning issues along with skin becoming soft as a baby’s bottom.

  • Dry fruits
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My relationship with dry fruits is like as if your loner self is unable to get over your toxic ex. Lack of setting up boundaries leads to toxic relationships.
Similarly, excessive intake of dry fruits (especially if you have nothing else to eat) can be harming for you.
BUT limited amount of dry fruit consumption is so beneficial for your skin.

Eg, eating figs help to prevent fine lines and wrinkles
Dates are eaten to maintain a youthful skin
Almonds are used for glowing skin.

I clearly remember that going from my home to tram station to my college was a long fine one hour journey. And in this early morning route, I used to munch on my fleshy dates. The taste of it felt better than the early morning breakfast I used to have. Eating my dates just felt right.
In conclusion, I eat my dry fruits as if they are a form of snacks (which they are)

image from google
  • Fish

When I say fish, I mean the fatty type of fish. This includes salmon, mackerel etc. In order to keep your skin moisturized and thick, Omega-3 is vital. And which other food is best source of omega-3 than fish?
Anti-inflammation, anti-aging name it and fish has got you all covered.

image from google. I know it looks weird but tastes like heaven.

The different ways I consume fish is by making a ‘salan’ of it. Which means curry of fish. This curry is quite succulent and scrumptious. You can eat it with a ‘chapati’. Which is like a round flatbread.
Oh my! As I am writing this I already feel my mouth watery.

  • Yogurt
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Yogurt is an ultimate way to cool off your thirst and body heat. This further helps in enhancing your skin. When we cool down, it helps regulate our body temperature, which is important for our overall well-being. As for the skin, cooling off can help reduce inflammation, soothe irritation, and promote blood circulation. It can also help with sweating, which is our body’s way of getting rid of toxins. So, when we cool off, it’s like giving our skin a refreshing break and helping it stay healthy and happy! 😊🌬️
The consumption of yogurt has helped my skin moisturized, hydrated and nourished all at the same time.

  • Seeds and Grains
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Seeds and grains are fantastic for the skin! They are rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote skin health. For example, flax seeds and chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, as mentioned above, help to hydrate and nourish the skin. Seeds and grains contain fiber, which supports a healthy gut, and a healthy gut often translates to healthier-looking skin. So, incorporating seeds and grains into your diet can do wonders for your skin’s natural glow! 🌱✨

In my case, I tend to make curry out of vegetables and lentils to avoid their ‘not-so-yummy-taste’ and it helps me. In whatever form of grains and seeds intake suits you, you should try it that way but I highly recommend you to please do not stop taking your seeds and grains. You’ll be missing out on a lot.

image from google. I know…. it looks delightful


All these natural consumption are a treat for two;

your body and skin

No wait, it is a treat for the essential trio.

Your body, your skin and last but not least your mind.

Happy intake folks :)




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