Glow & Pylon, a partnership to supercharge the mainstream adoption of Terra yields

Glow Yield
3 min readNov 28, 2021

Today, we’re excited to announce a new partnership between Glow and Pylon to accelerate the use of programmable money ($UST) and yield-bearing stablecoins across the internet. This partnership will help launch more extensive mainstream DeFi products quickly, making it easier for users to access yield no matter where they are.

Glow is a world of dApps that leverage programmable money and yield to unlock mainstream-ready product experiences never seen before. Our overarching goal is clear: bring stablecoin DeFi yields to the mass market, onboarding the next billion users to crypto.

“Individually we are one drop; but together we are an ocean” — Ryunosuske Satoro

Achieving such an ambitious goal won’t be easy. To be more specific, we are looking at a TAM exceeding 100 billion dollars, which will require us not only to put our effort into it, but also to cooperate with other players within the crypto ecosystem, and especially within Terra. After a thorough assessment of all the options available, we are thrilled to partner with Pylon Protocol, an experienced team with whom we share a mutual vision.

A promising partnership

The first addition to our world of dApps is Glow Lotto, a win-win lottery or prize-linked savings account audited by Oak Security and ready to launch. Glow Creators, our flagship product (in the works), is a decentralized application that enables creators to build their own token-based community and their social tokens without taking money away from their fans. Both of them leverage Anchor yields.

However, the Terra ecosystem is growing and new exciting sources of yield aside from Anchor will soon become available. Our partnership with Pylon, using Pylon’s yield redirection SDK, will enable future Glow dApps to leverage these new yield sources, making our suite of products more extensive and diversified.

At the same time, future highlighted features of our Glow SDK, such as crypto-to-crypto on-ramps, could also be integrated into Pylon products. Imagine a future where you could invest any crypto-asset from any chain into a Pylon Gateway pool. The possibilities for expansion are endless and this will bring great benefits to both holders of both projects’ native governance tokens, MINE and GLOW, respectively.

“Platforms that integrate programmable DeFi yield allow for innovation around the ways in which traditional payments have been structured. Whereas Pylon provides the underlying infra for yield redirection, Glow will be a promising retail-focused suite of products that aim to attract mainstream adoption. We’re looking forward to more collaborations to come”.Woojin, founder of Pylon Protocol

We are in front of an enormous opportunity. Bringing DeFi Terra yields to the next billion users. This partnership combines the deep expertise in social and B2C fintech products from the Glow team with the incredible skill set of the Pylon team around yield redirection, tokenomics and the Terra ecosystem to make this possible.



Glow Yield

Glow is an expansive programmable savings ecosystem built on Terra, commercializing yield with easy-to-use apps.