Christmas Around the World

5 min readDec 26, 2018


How This ‘Merry’ Holiday is Celebrated Everywhere

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One of the most popular holidays celebrated all around the world is Christmas. Men, women and children began observing Christmas about two thousand years ago, and it has never lost popularity since. No matter what you celebrate Christmas for — the birth of Jesus, awaiting the gifts of Santa Claus or putting up decorations and lights — in the end it should be about family, friends and those you love most. The holidays are a great time to surround yourself with the joy the season brings, so buckle up as we embark on this journey, uncovering Christmas traditions like never before.


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Christmas is not a public holiday in most of Israel, but there are still some people who celebrate it, especially in the city of Nazareth, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. The famous Israeli holiday that is recognized more than Christmas is Hanukkah, which commemorates Judah the Maccabee and his army who drove the Greek-Syrians who were oppressing them out of the land of Israel. A menorah, or eight-candle holder, is set up in the window or doorway of each house and one candle is lit each night for eight days in honor of Hanukkah. This tradition is still kept by millions of Jews each year, and takes place in the month of December.


Image by DailyMail

Family and friends are very important in Kenya during Christmastime. Family that does not live in a city is often visited in their villages by extended family, and this is significant because sometimes this interaction is the only large-family get together of the year. Unlike the traditional pine-Christmas tree, Kenya Christmas trees are normally Cyprus trees, which can be found in the country. It is common for people to go to a church service in honor of the Christmas story, and after partying all night, gift exchanging takes place on Christmas morning. Boxing Day takes place on December 26th, the day after Christmas, and is also a big day in Kenya, serving as a public holiday.


Pic by StudyInSweden

Close to Christmas is St. Lucia Day on December 13th in Sweden, and this holiday remembers Lucy, a martyr for her Christian faith in 304 A.D. The Swedish people living in certain towns chose a “St. Lucia” girl to represent the original girl; a national Lucia is chosen as well. Along with this tradition, families in Sweden also host a main meal on Christmas Eve, with many common Swedish foods and desserts enjoyed by everyone at the table. Every Christmas Eve, a Donald Duck cartoon is played at 3PM on television, and it is estimated that almost half of the Swedish popular tune it to watch the cartoon! Talk about one fun tradition!


Pic by TheLocal

“Feliz Navidad” is one of the most common phrases heard in Spain in the month of December — it directly translates to “Happy Christmas.” Along with this saying, many children sing carols on Christmas Eve in hopes to get money and later families attend a midnight mass. Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos (Day of the Three Wise Men) is celebrated on January 6th, and in honor of the wise men visiting Jesus after his birth, Spanish children receive presents on this day. One last fun holiday tradition is performed on New Year’s Eve, and it entails eating 12 grapes so that the new year brings good fortune.


Image by The Spruce Eats

Similar to Israel, China does not celebrate Christmas on as grand a scale as some other countries do. With that being said, there are still Christmas traditions that take place among the Chinese. Parties celebrating this holiday have started to become popular, as well as caroling and the giving of apples! The reason apple giving has become so trendy is because the world for ‘peace’ and the word for ‘apple’ sound similar in Chinese, therefore friends are wishing each other a peaceful evening by handing out apples. If you ever visit China during the holiday season, be prepared to give and receive some apples!

United States

In the U.S., families typically buy an evergreen or artificial tree, set it up in their house and decorate it with ornaments, lights or tinsel. Santa Claus is one of the stars of Christmas, as he delivers presents to all the boys and girls who have been ‘nice’ instead of ‘naughty’ for the duration of the year. Christmas music is largely based around Santa Claus, the birth of Jesus and the season of winter, family and traditions; many radio stations start playing Christmas music around Thanksgiving or the beginning of December. Christmas presents are opened on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, and families often get together for dinners and gift exchanges. Christmas truly is the ‘most wonderful time of the year.’

Pic by BFS

Aimee Jones, GLYD Contributor




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