Published inWe’ve moved to to host a Git repository on a subdomain with NetlifyYou have your portfolio hosted on Netlify and want to add your projects onto the same domain. They are all separate…May 23, 20193May 23, 20193
Published inWe’ve moved to to allow users to upload images with Node/Express, Mongoose, and CloudinaryAre you building a full-stack app and want to let users upload an image but you’re not sure how? In my experience, this is always achieved…Aug 23, 201821Aug 23, 201821
Navbar w/ Smooth Scrolling Same Page Links & AccessibilityNot as simple as it sounds…Apr 9, 2018Apr 9, 2018
TicTacToe — Unbeatable Minimax AlgorithmIf you want to implement the minimax algorithm, it will bust your balls…Feb 2, 2018Feb 2, 2018