Let’s Talk.

My Life Coming Back Around Full Circle.

Gabby Brickner
4 min readDec 5, 2017

I’ve always been quite the talker. From a young age I was known for three things: I was a bottomless pit when it came to food, my fingers and toes were long enough to be compared to an alien, and I could talk your ear off every minute of every day without hesitation. They always told me my name fit me well because all I did was “Gab” all day long.

I was probably talking while this picture was taken

Possessing this skill was a gift and a curse. I was able to make friends very quickly, but sadly I wasn’t able to spend time with them at recess because I got in trouble for talking too much during math class. People said that I talked just to hear myself talk, but to me I always felt my words held a purpose regardless of how long I rambled on for.

Back track to my first day of preschool at Murray Elementary, home of the lions, when I got sent to the principal’s office for talking too much in class. My parents were notified of my behavior, and it soon became a joke about how I got reprimanded on my VERY first day of school ever. As the years progressed, my parents received more phone calls from the school concerning my inability to be quiet during nap time, reading circle, and any time in between. At this point, it was only understandable for my teachers and parents to think I would become the trouble child or a delinquent teenager. They began to closely monitor the amount of talking I did, especially around adults, “Don’t interrupt,” I hear echoing through my mind, “Always think before you speak.” I felt trapped. I couldn’t wrap my head around why expressing my innermost thoughts was so bad.

A few years passed, and I mellowed out. I became a very quiet and shy young girl, second guessing every word I spoke so I wouldn’t hurt anyone else’s feelings. The confident and rambunctious child within me was suppressed into a mere memory. I remember I was happy, but I no longer fit my name, and it no longer fit me as well.

In the summer preceding my junior year in high school, I was required to earn mandatory community service hours by volunteering at my county’s 4H office. I had no idea what the organization was for, but I helped run the events I was assigned to. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone on many occasions, having to teach classes and publicly speak in front of crowds, and eventually I became a member of the community service organization. With each event that I participated in, I could feel my voice growing stronger not only in the sense that I was becoming a better public speaker, but also in the sense that my self confidence was returning.

This time in my life was very empowering; I started to feel like myself again, but more matured and aware of social boundaries of course. The person I grew into was still very rambunctious and talkative, but also more empathetic and controlled at the same time, and if I hadn’t found my voice again I would still be searching for what I aspire to do with my life.

My involvement in my county 4H chapter influenced me to choose the career path I am pursuing today at the University of Georgia. As my confidence and speaking skills progressed, I sought career paths that involved a good amount of human interaction. I recall many occasions where I said “I don’t care what I do as long as I’m happy and I get to talk to people,” so that is why I chose to pursue a Business degree in Marketing in the Terry College of Business.

Communication is such a crucial aspect of life, and my goal is to positively impact as many peoples’ lives as I can using the communication skills I possess. I’ve learned that listening is just as necessary as speaking, but I want others to know that their inner voice is their most important attribute, and everyone can use it to make the world a better place.

My name is Gabby Brickner, and my name fits me perfectly.

Gabs, Gabba, Gabster, Gab-a-lot, Gabby

Looking back at those memories in my life, I’m so very grateful that my once frowned upon love of talking has come around full circle and has given me the opportunity to study at one of the best universities in the country. My love for conversation and curiosity have gotten me through life thus far, and I am very excited for the years to come. GO DAWGS! ❤

