Genre Transmortation: OUR HIP HOP WORLD

Garrett Merdjanian
2 min readDec 8, 2016



The ultimate ideas that are being spread are awareness. Acceptance. Love. Together, we can all vibe to the music that is being created in our world. There is no more room in our world for hate and it will not be tolerated anymore. No matter where you come from, what you were raised on, what sound you prefer, who was, is, or will be your favorite artists, WE are all meant to connect and grow from everyone. When people are hating on your sound, or whatever it may be, for being different, THAT is when you need to push and be hungrier than ever. At the end of the day, the sun will set and the sun will rise. We should all push and strive to be the best version of ourselves and pursue whatever we love, despite what anyone says.


Without a doubt, the sounds of the HIP HOP industry have changed drastically within the last decade alone. There has been an amazing progression with technology, making music peak to an entire different world and sound. Whether you prefer old school or new school hip hop and rap, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and taste. Stop hating and start listening. We are all in this world together, and we should all work together to get to where we want to be.

Emily Oberg, an editorial producer for COMPLEX MAGAZINE, coudnt help but to tune in with her insightful opinion. THESE are the things that more people need to spread and understand. POSITIVITY. PASSION. LOVE. You dont like it? It “aint up to you.”

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Garrett Merdjanian

San Francisco State University. Business Administration. On my way…