Trascending #GlobalDebout’s diverse paradigms: systemic leverage that ends the structure blind spot

Jose A Vanderhorst S
4 min readJan 4, 2024

“There’s a lot of value available in this Field of the Future Blog (a second response’s assertion)” is the aim of this third response, as another tip of #AGlobalSystem iceberg. The environment for #GlobalDebout (people on foot) have top down scope restrictions, in this order: global, national, municipal, and tribal. Once the global systemic structure transformation blind spot ends, a lot of diverse value is available for national transitions, municipal developments, and tribal fix and maintain.

Writing about #WickedProblems (that involves said blind spot), in the first sentence of the abstract of “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning,” professors Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber wrote back in 1973 (as the #CyberneticAge started to penetrate) that:

“The search for scientific bases for confronting problems of social policy is bound to fail, because of the nature of these problems.”

Becoming the #HomoPragmaticist pioneer, I discovered that we need new scientific bases. I understand that the Field of Future Blog is a rich source for those bases, which are necessary but not yet sufficient to deal with the systemic structure (generative) blind spot. The following story that supports what follows gets updated with that insight:

Systems thinking and systems dynamics have now such blind spot, but can be adapted when the #GlobalLeadershipVacuum’s incentives end and authentic global leaders emerge. Systems architecting (as a follower to scenario planning) is available to end that blind spot. Once the blind spot ends, it is a sufficient condition for the first response on the post, “High tech platform domain gatekeepers must select Organized Complexity for inclusion.”

The blind spot end is also a sufficient condition for the introductory image of the first five posts of the #IAmBlocked #Hashtags_Network (to be navigated on the X platform) that helps emerge the professional experts of #TheWealthOfGlobalization. What later on emerged as experts conceptualizers and operators were introduced in the following 2020 story in Spanish. That story at this moment has 8 updates, two of them in English.

Economics for #GlobalDebout in a larger and living sense to get closer and closer to the #3rdDegreeOfClarity of the #CyberneticAge. The title of E. F. Schumacher’s book “Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered,” greatly support the noise larger than the signal that has been happening in social media at the #1stDegreeOfClarity. The unintended consequence of the “Small Is Beautiful” experience is due to Economics being limited to the #2ndDegreeOfClarity of the Contemporary Age.

Great advance is already available on the story “2023 In Eight Points: Meditating On Our Planetary Moment.” This third response continue to claim being a “Small islands of coherence have the capacity to lift an entire system” of the first response. Out of the set of heuristics, as tools of the second response, the following prescriptive heuristics offer outstanding support, for example, to this third response:

  1. “Sometimes, but not always, the best way to solve a difficult problem is to expand the problem itself.” Increasing the systems architecting scope from national to global.
  2. “The most dangerous assumptions are the unstated ones.” About Economics.
  3. “Simplify, simplify, simplify.” This was a key for the first response.
  4. “Every once in a while you have to go back and see what the real world is telling you.” Please take a look at what follows.

I went back to the book “The art of systems architecting,” second edition, and found out, for example, in chapter 2 that “Kenneth L. Cureton, carrying the process one step further, generated a set of heuristics on how to generate and apply heuristics…” page 28, “. My personal experience is that I am able to apply synthetic #APosterioriBehavior on the fly while navigating #SocialBusiness3DoC.

“The current polycrisis and wave of systemic breakdowns cannot be solved by the same thinking that created them.” — Otto Scharmer.

Such policrisis is the “Tough Times” #GlobalDarkAge scenario that started with the #DarkGlobalization (for example, with the #WashingtonConsensus ) and moved into #DeGlobalization with the deeper penetration of the #CyberneticAge. Before that, Economics on #TheWealthOfNations‘ “Continuity” scenario extended its influence to support the international systems architecting scope. Such scope is limited to the existence of independent regional blocs of nations. The way of life on that scenario does no longer fit for #GlobalDebout’s purpose.

A new purpose needs to be discovered. An emergent interpretation was published in the 2004 article “Awakening Faith in an Alternative Future: A Consideration of Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future.” That must read article and its corresponding book, by Peter M. Senge, C. Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski, and Betty Sue Flowers, introduced us, for example, to an outstanding insight:

“Nowhere is it more important to understand the relation between parts and wholes than in the evolution of global institutions and the larger systems they collectively create. Arie de Geus, author of “The Living Company” and a pioneer of the organizational learning movement, says that the twentieth century witnessed the emergence of a new species on earth — that of large institutions, notably, global corporations.”

Economics on #TheWealthOfGlobalization’s “Rising Expectations” scenario must support the global systems architecting scope. Such scope requires the emergence of interdependent regional blocs of nations. Such blocs correspond to the story “#UnitingTheGlobalWorld.



Jose A Vanderhorst S

Hashtags on what I stand for: 1 “There is nothing so powerful as #TheWealthOfGlobalization whose time has come;” 2 #BrightGlobalization; 3 #SystemicCivilization