First prototype-verifying our hypothesis-empathizing

Our first prototype

As chocolate producers, our fundamental idea is to make chocolate a healthy and delicious snack for all kind of consumers, based on raw cocoa. We are convinced that the consumers would be satisfied by the fact that we found a chocolate that is both tasty and healthy as well and includes all the nutritious benefits of raw Latin cocoa bean.

So, in order to verify our hypothesis, we talked with 3 kind of consumers.

THE HEALTHY EATER : «I always tried to keep a balance diet and healthy lifestyle. But it was always very difficult to restrain myself from eating chocolate treats. So, is it possible to find a chocolate that doesn’t keep me away from my holistic lifestyle?»

→ For such consumers, our company offers a wide variety of chocolates that are dairy-free, gluten-free and do not contain refined sugars. As sugar substitute, we use raw, organic, coconut sugar.

THE VEGAN: «The last 2 years I am on a vegan, cruelty free diet. I don’t consume any dairy, meat, eggs, fish, or any other type of animal protein. I enjoy chocolate and sweet generally but, it is very hard for me to find products that are tasty and at the same time they don’t contain milk, eggs, or refined sugar.»

→ We offer a vegan friendly range of products. Those products are dairy free, gluten-free, and also sweetened with raw, organic, coconut sugar.

MY DOCTOR DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO: «Hi, I’m Pelopidas and I am 60 years old. I suffer from diabetes. Chocolate was always my weakness, but since I was diagnosed with diabetes, I’m not allowed anymore to consume chocolate in sugar or dairy.»

→ For every person who is not allowed, for medical reasons, to eat chocolate whenever he wants, we provide sugar-free chocolates sweetened with stevia. These chocolate bars are also low fat.

For all these opinions, we do believe that our products are gonna be useful to the consumers.

What we found important: We took a serious note of our consumers needs and desires. So, we created a product that would be suitable for their lifestyle. These are products that would be part of their everyday life and their routine.


George Mitsoulas Anna Bear Niki koutoulouli Voula A Kat Eugenia Kolovou Maria Kaloudi

