A Generation of Men Raised by Women

Gerritt Black
2 min readSep 14, 2023


I woke up at 5 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep, because, why would I be able to? I put on Fight Club because it’s a familiar movie that will usually put me back to sleep. Today, that was not the case. A line from the movie resonated in my mind. “We are a generation of men raised by women, I’m wondering if another woman is really the thing we need…”. That statement got me thinking. It feels just as relevant now, as it did 20 years ago. With all the social justice and woke shit going on in this world, and women basically demonizing men, especially the white ones; it begs the question — who was it that raised all these awful men? I’m pretty sure, the answer is women. I have no graphs or spreadsheets. The data I’m using is just my own slice of life. I’m sure there are instances where a single father raised his children and there was an absentee mother, but that, to me, seems like the outlier. Because in my experience, if there was only one parent around, it was the mother.

So, now, men are the perpetrators of every indignity in this world. And I’m not even trying to change the narrative, that’s not the point. Men are terrible. Or at least a large enough segment of the population to validate a statement like that. But all these terrible men, in large part, were raised by women. They were educated by women, especially in their formative years.

And just look at how men are being raised now, it’s probably the worst it’s ever been. There’s this idea that masculinity is poisonous. And these men are raised thinking they are the enemy. Apologetic little cowards. And those are the men that are lauded as being progressive and feminist. But what is it going to look like, when the sissy boy rebels. When he bucks against his harness to cut his own path. Well, we may just have ourselves a serial killer epidemic in the near future. Or maybe we won’t. Maybe it will be fine. That would be a good thing to be wrong about.

Maybe men treat women terribly because women treat women terribly. If you watch daytime television you might think that they are all supportive and unified, but that is far from the reality of it all. Women fucking hate eachother. They are like beta fish. You can’t keep two of them within proximity of each other or they will rip each other to shreds. With men, the room might smell of pizza, beer, and farts; but it’s hardly a life threatening arrangement.

There is this idea that men need to be held accountable. And that’s absolutely true. But shouldn’t we also hold women accountable for how they raised those men?



Gerritt Black

I do a lot of thinking. Sometimes I write those thoughts down.