Dataframes with Tablesaw for Java. Examples using IJava Kernel for Jupyter.

Gary Sharpe
5 min readOct 12, 2021

If you’ve ever found yourself looking for a quick and easy library for writing and using ‘Dataframes’ in Java, you’ve probably come across Tablesaw.

Tablesaw is a dataframe and visualization library, as well as utilities for loading, transforming, filtering, and summarizing data.

- The Docs

I’ve already briefly introduced Google Colab (hosted Jupyter Notebooks), and how to get started installing and using a Java Kernel, in a separate article titled Java, Jupyter and Google Colab.

I’ll revisit this approach and expand on it with a little help from the team behind the Deep Java Library (DJL) at Amazon.

Finally, we’ll get a quick introduction to using Tablesaw on Google Colab.

Let’s Get To It

Copy the Jupyter Notebook template from GitHub

(1) We’re going to get started using a blank Jupyter Notebook configured to use the Java Kernel (IJava).

NOTE: for more information on the process behind configuring the IKernel for use in Google Colab, see my previous article: Java, Jupyter and Google



Gary Sharpe

I build back-end systems for moving, munging and synchronizing data from one end of the enterprise to the other.