Torg: In The Name of the Father

Mon Macutay
9 min readJun 18, 2017


Game Date: June 10, 2017 (Chris Cruz Residence). Session #4 in Campaign.


  • Oliver Caulfield, Orrorsh Werewolf by Mark Aragona
  • Father Myriel, SJ by Carlo Rivera
  • “Tek” the Edeinos by Benjamin Magtoto
  • Blade the Daywalker, by Cesar
  • Sirocco, Sorcerer Supreme, by Glenn Chua
  • Keoshi the Armored Ninja from Marketplace by Chris Cruz

After rescuing Monsignor Giovanni Vasco from a Church Police Detention block in Avignon, our heroes were shocked to learn that Father Vasco has made a deal with a demon named Amon, currently trapped in the body of innocent Janine Garnier.

Back in Madrid, Father Myriel is adamant about this sacrilege. He disables Vasco and reports everything to his superiors, Cardinal Escriva. Meanwhile, Gabriel volunteers to “host” Amon and be protected with a piece of the True Cross.

The group decides to bring Amon as a possible force or weapon for the current mission — uproot a major Stelae and deal a serious blow to the Cyberpope’s expansion plans.

Lorenzo Ferri, their employer and handler from the Delphi Council, suggests that the group acquire the services of reinforcements since this mission is too dangerous to undergo just by themselves. Ferri gave them several possible recruits located in London, San Francisco and Paris.


They travel to London, highly influenced by the Fantasy Axioms of Aysle, but still relatively “Core Earth” in technology and other axioms.

There, at the Smiling Seadog Pub, they met their first contacts: an adventuring party led by Animal, a Viking Barbarian and his accomplices, Nataz the Fire Wizard and Drift, Dwarven Cleric of Silverbeard.

Father Myriel wows Animal with salutations and greetings influenced by passages from “Beowulf”. With that, Animal was impressed and quickly agreed to join the party against the forces of the Cyberpapacy. Meanwhile, Nataz haggled with Sirocco for their fees.

“Perhaps I can teach you more than summoning rabbits from hats after this adventure, Mr. Sirocco?” Nataz volunteered.

“Maybe. I am honored with this gesture”, Sirocco said.

Meanwhile, Keoshi introduced Drift to the wonders of the Internet and the joys of pornography.

Before concluding their business, Sirocco, Oliver and Myriel brought the Vikings to a mall and purchased clothes and other fashion accessories for the entourage.


With their Aysle recruitment settled, our heroes travel to San Francisco. Recently, Core Earth forces have managed to recapture huge areas of San Francisco and the Bay Area from Baruk Kaah and the Living Lands axioms. Slowly, the city is being rebuilt and things are starting to return to normal.

Keoshi noticed that most of the companies doing major projects in rebuilding San Francisco were Japanese. Nomura Real Estate was one such company that caught his eye. He made detailed notes of this for future reference.

Sirocco buys a LOT of beer and they finally head out to a nondescript Gun, Ammo Store and Range at the outskirts of SF.

Joe, the owner. After seeing the funky group for the first time.

There, the owner, Joe, is quickly amused by Father Myriel’s knowledge about ammunition and ordinance. The group also rented the gun range for a few hours and impressed Joe and the other patrons with their skills.

Soon, they are brought to the presence of Paul William Hunter, the white supremacist leader of a mercenary force based here.

They briefed Mr. Hunter about the mission and got his buy in.

“One more thing…” said Keoshi. “How are you with working with dinosaurs?”

“Damn Dinos!” Hunter spat. “If eet walks and breathes, we have the guns and the gear to blast the livin’ daylights out o’ ’em dino crap!” his tone obviously reaching the crescendo of agitation.

“No. I mean… one of us is a Dinosaur.” Keoshi explained.

“SWEET MOTHER OF JESUS!!!!” Hunter gasped.

After further explanation (about Tek the Edeinos), and thirty minutes later, Tek is on top of Chevy pick up truck distributing beer and BBQ ribs to the American mercs.

Our heroes recruit Paul Hunter and 30 of his men, mostly composed of “Preppers”, Gun Collectors and Survival fanatics.

French Otters are smart!


For the last leg of their “recruiting trip”, the Storm Knights headed out to an undisclosed hangar at the fringes of the city of Paris, France.

There, they met Michel Le’vay, a renowned Realm Runner and an accomplished pilot.

Le’vay, a Roman Catholic, was easily convinced by Father Myriel to join the mission and their cause. He promised to further acquire 30 Paris Liberte Special Forces combat troops for the mission as well as an attack helicopter and logistical needs for landing and extraction.

Father Myriel held a mass for the new recruits.


After much research, the team located the Stelae nestled deep in the Cathedral du Sacre Coeur (Cathedral of the Sacred Heart) in Nice, France.

Cathedral du Sacre Coeur. Nice, France.

The Cathedral, heavily fortified and defended by Church Police, Cyber-Gargoyles, Gospogs and Demons, will be a tough assault.

After some planning, the Storm Knights, together with the leaders of their new recruits, hatch out a master plan that will consist of the following:

  1. The main Storm Knights (our heroes) will enter from the cliff up North and via Sirocco’s magic, will create a hole which they will use to slide down into the main altar of the Cathedral.
  2. Moments before the heroes enter the altar, Le’vay will pilot the attack helicopter and disable the Church Police command center to neutralize their communications and command capabilities.
  3. Solenn, (the French Hacker NPC), together with “Roach” (Jem Pimentel’s character), will hack into the network and disable the CCTV, Security Doors and Electrical Fences surrounding the facility.
  4. The Paris Liberte ground forces will enter from the East and take out the guard towers and press on by bombing the eastern wall to advance further into the cathedral interior.
  5. Animal, Nataz and Paul Hunter (with the Viking Warriors and the American Mercenaries) will enter from the Southern gates and take on the Gospogs, Cygoyles and the rest of the perimeter guards and make a defensive formation (assault and move further North if able).


As the battle rages in the perimeter, our Storm Knights broke into the altar. There, they find twisted relics, statues and religious ornaments twisted to convey to the likeness of Pope Jean Malraux, the Cyberpope of France.

They make their way by fending off heavy resistance from Church Police, Cyberpriests and Cybernuns until finally they come face-to-face with the Stelae.

The Stelae is a huge granite statue depicting Pope Malraux seated in a luxurious throne. On his left side is Jesus reaching out to him while the Holy Ghost, in the form of dove, hangs illustrious above the throne. Pope Malraux is holding his staff and his “Sacred Heart” is a jumbling mass of twisted cables, microchips and cyber-parts which give off a repulsive purple glow.

Guarding the Stelae is the Cyber-Demon, a foul creation of the Cyberpapacy, powerful beyond imagination!

Our heroes quickly leap into action!

The combatants, Keoshi, Caulfield, and Blade engaged the beast but their weapons were too weak to penetrate the Demon’s armor and defenses.

Meanwhile, the Demon Amon whispers within Sirocco.

“The moment has come, mortal.” Amon said. “And in this moment, you have a choice: Be me or release me. What will it be?”

Meanwhile, Father Myriel used the True Cross to augment his prayers and rites to contain the Cyber-demon but it was futile! The cosms and Reality of the Cyberpapacy were far too greater than the Reality of Core Earth.

The Cyber-Demon does a “deep scan” of Caulfield. Green laser grids roll over him from top to bottom.

“Scan completed. Species, Werewolf. Preparing Silver Weapons to compensate” came the female voice of the Demon’s computer as silver claws came out of the demon’s arm panels.

The claws hit Caulfield hard. The pain was intense. The Werewolf reeled and tumbled over.

“Boy! I am fucked…” Caulfield whispered. “But I must move on! The Stelae! If I can’t hurt the Demon, perhaps I can hurt the Stelae!” Caulfield said as he whirled in the air towards the statue of the Cyberpope.

Witnessing the ongoing massacre, Sirocco had no choice but to give in to Amon. He willed himself to be completely overwhelmed and closed his eyes. And as he did, he felt his soul take a back seat and his body was now fully the property of this demonic being.

Sirocco’s body had a powerful transformation! He grew claws, his muscles ripped and his eyes glowed red.

As the unmistakable scent of burning brimstone filled the room, Sirocco/Amon turned towards the Cyber-Demon and said, “Fiend! Now I shall return you to your creator. You will wish you never existed!”

“Feel the power of a TRUE DEMON!!!”

As the two titans were locked in epic combat, the other Storm Knights saw this opportunity to attack the Stelae.

Caulfield was finally able to damage the Stelae and he also discovered that he could use his Possibility Points (aka Bennies, in game mechanics) to augment the damage. Unfortunately, he also learned that the Stelae regenerated EVERY ROUND!

Blade and Keoshi were badly injured and Tek the Edeinos, using his link to Lanala his goddess, healed the two heroes.

Once healed, Blade helped Sirocco attack the CyberDemon while Keoshi and Caulfield continued the attack on the Stelae.

As the “Reality” of this cosm weakened, Father Myriel felt that his Faith was suddenly rekindled. He used his prayers to further boost the damage capabilities of his team-mates.

After several rounds of heavy fighting, Keoshi dealt the final blow to Stelae; shattering it into a million pieces and creating a vortex (imagine the Ghost Busters movie final scene) that tried to suck everything to it.

The Cathderal shook. Explosions rocked the spires and most Gospogs and Cygoyles were instantly disintegrated upon the Stelae’s destruction.

Sirocco and Myriel combined their special abilities to also release Amon and it too, was sucked in the Vortex!

“Choppers ready for Evac!” Le’vay’s voice came in through their communicators.

“Get the hell out of there!” Le’vay screamed!

The surviving mercenaries were also lifted into the choppers.

And as our heroes rode the final evac chopper, they witnessed the catastrophic destruction of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart.

As the helicopters made their way out to sea, Sirocco used his magic to create a face of Jesus Christ on the clouds as they met the new dawn in the horizon.


Moments later, all the survivors and the Storm Knights were safe and landed at the USS Ronald Reagan.

Though they suffered casualties, the mission was a success.

Uprooting the Stelae caused a massive blow to the Cyberpope’s ambition of expansion and conquest. Now, all they must do to “recapture” the lands and bring them back to Core Earth reality is to spread stories and legends among the populace.

Because such is the nature of Torg. Storm Knights risk their lives to reclaim Earth’s lands and bring them back to the realities that once were. There is much risk. There is much to lose, but more to gain.

Today, our heroes have gained friends and allies. And these, they can use in future adventures.

There was a massive victory today. But there are other High Lords and more evil to vanquish. Only time will tell.

“Let us rest easy today”, Keoshi said.

“For tomorrow, we fight again”.

— FIN —


If you want to know about Torg, they’re doing a new version of it here.

Also, here’s more information about the game system we use, it’s called Savage Worlds.

Hope you liked this “session synopsis” and I also hope that this can inspire you to create your own awesome and epic adventures!

Keep on gaming and may the dice always roll in your favor!

Mon Macutay, DM for Life.



Mon Macutay

Founder of, Geek, Dungeon Master, Gamer, Marketing Consultant. Proudly Filipino.