Concurrent writes on Iceberg Tables using PySpark

Giuseppe Murro
7 min readMar 31, 2024


In the rapidly evolving data landscape, Apache Iceberg has emerged as a powerful tool for managing large datasets. Its architecture supports features like ACID transactions, partition evolution, schema evolution, and snapshot isolation, making it an ideal choice for data lakehouses. This blog post aims to delve into the details of concurrent writes on Iceberg tables using PySpark, focusing on the concept of isolation levels and how they impact transactional guarantees.

Lakehouses in the land of Apache Iceberg (DALL-E)

Why Iceberg?

Iceberg addresses the limitations of traditional Hive tables by providing a more reliable and efficient mechanism for managing table metadata and data files. It achieves this through a persistent tree structure that tracks the complete list of data files in each snapshot, enabling atomic changes and reliable reads without the need for locks. This design not only solves the correctness problems associated with eventually consistent stores like S3 but also supports advanced features like version history, rollback, and safe file-level operations, making it an ideal choice for large-scale data processing tasks [1].

Concurrent Writes and Optimistic Concurrency

One of Iceberg’s key features is its support for multiple concurrent writes, enabled by its implementation of “optimistic concurrency” control.

Iceberg’s concurrency control mechanism works as follows: each writer assumes that no other writers are operating and writes out new table metadata for their operation. The writer then attempts to commit by atomically swapping the new table metadata file for the existing one. Upon completing their work, the writer attempts to swap the new table metadata file for the existing metadata file in an atomic manner.

Atomicity refers to the property of a transaction to either fully execute or not affect any part of the system. During a commit attempt, Iceberg checks whether another writer has created new table metadata since the original snapshot was taken.

If no collisions are detected, the transaction completes; otherwise, the failed writer checks that a set of assumptions [3] are met by the current table state. If the assumptions are met, then it is safe to re-apply the actions and commit until successful or reaches the predefined number of allowed reattempts [2].

Isolation Levels: Serializable vs. Snapshot

Iceberg supports two isolation levels: serializable and snapshot. Both levels provide a consistent view of the table to all operations, ensuring that readers see only already committed data. However, they differ in how they handle concurrent transactions.

Serializable Isolation: This is the strongest isolation level, guaranteeing that an ongoing UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE operation fails if a concurrent transaction commits a new file that might contain rows matching the condition used in the operation [4].

  • Advantages: This level ensures consistent and predictable behavior, avoiding concurrency-related issues like dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads.
  • Disadvantages: It can lead to reduced concurrency and increased transaction aborts due to conflicts with concurrent transactions.

Snapshot Isolation: It is beneficial for environments with many concurrent writers. In this isolation level, concurrent transactions operate on separate consistent snapshots of the data, reducing contention and allowing for higher concurrency [5].

  • Advantages: improved performance and scalability, as transactions can proceed without acquiring exclusive locks on data that is not being modified.
  • Disadvantages: it may allow for non-serializable anomalies, such as non-repeatable reads and phantom reads, which may require application-level logic to handle.

Tuning for High Concurrency

When dealing with high concurrency, it’s crucial to tune the properties related to commit retries and wait times to ensure that transactions can successfully commit even when conflicts arise. The default configurations may not be sufficient for retries to succeed during high concurrency, so adjusting properties like commit.retry.num-retries, commit.retry.min-wait-ms, and commit.retry.max-wait-ms can help avoid missing rows and improve the overall reliability of concurrent writes [6][7].

Hands-on with PySpark and Iceberg

Let’s explore a practical example using PySpark to interact with an Iceberg table. This example will demonstrate the impact of different isolation levels on concurrent write operations.

Setting Up the Environment

First, create a SparkSession and configure it to work with Iceberg:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType
from pyspark import InheritableThread
from uuid import uuid4

spark = (
"spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog", "org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog"
.config("spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog.type", "hadoop")
.config("spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog.warehouse", "warehouse/iceberg-concurrent-write-isolation-test/")

Creating and Writing to an Iceberg Table

Next, create a DataFrame and write it to an Iceberg table, specifying the isolation level (a different behavior can be observed the by replacing snapshot with serializable):

# Create DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(
("id1", "user1", "20211108"),
("id1", "user2", "20211108"),
("id2", "user2", "20211109")
StructField("id", StringType(), True),
StructField("user", StringType(), True),
StructField("date", StringType(), True)

# Create database
db_name = "test_db"
table_name = "test_table"
spark.sql(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {db_name}.{table_name}")
spark.sql(f"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {db_name} CASCADE")
spark.sql(f"CREATE DATABASE {db_name}")
# Write the DataFrame to an Iceberg table with snapshot isolation
df.writeTo(f"{db_name}.{table_name}").using("iceberg") \\
.tableProperty("commit.retry.num-retries", "10") \\
.tableProperty("commit.retry.min-wait-ms", "1000") \\
.tableProperty("write.merge.isolation-level", "snapshot") \\

Simulating Concurrent Writes

Simulate concurrent writes by running 4 threads that simultaneously attempt to merge data into the table:

def run_query(spark, id, table):
merge_query = f"""MERGE INTO {table} target
'id_new_{id}' AS id,
'user4' AS user,
'20240327' AS date
) source
ON =

# Run concurrent merges on the table
threads = []
n_threads = 4
for _ in range(n_threads):
id = str(uuid4())[:5]
t = InheritableThread(target=run_query, args=(spark, id, f"{db_name}.{table_name}"))
for t in threads:
for t in threads:


In this example, I create an Iceberg table and then run four concurrent merge queries on the table. The key points to note are:

  1. Retry Mechanism: I have tuned the commit.retry.num-retries and commit.retry.min-wait-ms properties to handle potential conflicts during the commit phase. This ensures that the retries have a better chance of succeeding, especially in high-concurrency scenarios.
  2. Merge Operation: I used the MERGE INTO statement to perform the concurrent updates. This is recommended over INSERT OVERWRITE because Iceberg can replace only the affected data files, and the data overwritten by a dynamic overwrite may change if the table's partitioning changes [8].
  3. Isolation Level: I set the write.merge.isolation-level property to "snapshot". This implies that each thread successfully executes the merge query, generating four new rows with unique IDs, as depicted in the figure below.

This example emulates a scenario where multiple Spark applications either add a new row or update a specific row in the same Iceberg table. If they occur simultaneously, only one commit will immediately succeed. The other three failed commits will be applied to the updated version of the table metadata. They will then be retried one at a time, each after a 1-second delay (defined by min-wait-ms). Since the transaction order doesn't matter, and there's no need to ensure the transactions are executed serially, the appropriate isolation level to use in this case is “snapshot”. This level prioritizes concurrency and potential performance gains.

With the “serializable” isolation level, the behavior would have been different. Specifically, the update operation fails under this isolation level if there’s an ongoing update on a subset of rows and a concurrent transaction adds a new file with records that could match the update condition. As a result, only one thread will successfully complete the merge operation, and the retry mechanism will not be triggered. The figure below illustrates this, with the other three threads raising the following error:

org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.ValidationException: Found conflicting files that can contain records matching true: [warehouse/iceberg-concurrent-write-isolation-test/test_db/test_table/data/00000-17-848de3f7-0d53-4d0d-bc1a-0edcb0a5b5a7-0-00001.parquet]

Addictional Note: Transaction Type

It’s crucial to note that in the context of concurrent transactions on Iceberg tables, the behavior observed with snapshot and serializable isolation levels is intrinsic to the type of transaction being executed. Specifically, the MERGE operation, which is used in the demonstration, exhibits different outcomes under these isolation levels due to its nature of potentially modifying existing data. In contrast, an INSERT operation, such as INSERT INTO {table} (id, user, date) VALUES ('id_new_{id}', 'user4', '20240327'), does not inherently cause a conflict because Iceberg handles INSERT operations by simply adding a new metadata file. This distinction highlights the importance of understanding the specific characteristics of the operations being performed when configuring isolation levels in Iceberg, ensuring that the chosen level aligns with the desired behavior and performance characteristics of the data processing tasks at hand.


Distinguishing between available isolation levels ultimately determines whether concurrent transactions transpire smoothly or face obstacles stemming from optimistic concurrency control. Moreover, recognizing the unique characteristics of each transaction type facilitates fine-grained adjustments tailored to specific use cases, thereby enhancing efficiency and reliability throughout the entire data pipeline.










