How to Harness the Power of Your Birthday and Get Ready for Amazing Changes in Your Life?

Galina Naihin
12 min readJul 25, 2018


“Your heart must become a sea of Love,

Your mind must become a river of detachment.”

Sri Chinmoy

Birthday is a magical day in a human life. Each soul that comes to this earthly plane was longing for the gift of having a spiritual growth in a human body. Birthday is the day when the whole Universe was rejoicing, and all the forces of nature and the people around you were helping you to come and celebrate your life. A new life has been born! A new soul has visited the planet! A new being whose presence is very important to the essential evolution of life.

Each one of us is needed. The contribution of each one is very important to the well-being and healing of the Universe.

Every year you are given a new birth and are given a freedom of choice on how to live your life; by default or by design; by becoming your own master, or by going through yet another year without making a little step toward your dreams, and aspirations.

Birthday is a day when a human being is overflown with positive energy and the Universe pours new ‘creative’ juices into a human body at all levels of its existence to reset your life and provide you as much guidance and support needed to start living a more wonderful and fulfilling life.

It’s important to look at your birthday as a spiritual awakening to know ‘thyself’ better and serve others with the abilities, talents, skills, and qualities that you have.

It’s another opportunity to tell yourself that today is indeed a special day. A day where you stand from your highest and absolute best, and declare that the time has come to take a full responsibility for your life, to accept every challenge, setback, and hurdle as a means to fuel your growth, get out of your comfort zone, face your fears, with a fearless, loving and compassionate heart and ask yourself, “How can I better serve the planet for the remaining years of my life? What positive contributions can I make?”

“When you were born, you cried, and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.” Tibetan proverb

It’s a more powerful and encouraging way of living your life rather that telling yourself that now you became one year older, and feel miserable.

Twelve days after your birthday are the most important days of the year. This is a kind of “point of reference” for the following year. In these twelve days, we have a real opportunity to create a beautiful and solid foundation and necessary programs of events and successes for the future that will lead to positive changes in our lives.

Each of these days corresponds to the month of the coming year.

It’s no secret that a few days before your birthday, many begin to feel nervous, often even depressed and have an inexplicable longing. And this does not happen at all from the fact that we are getting older, as is commonly believed.

One week before your birthday try to perform simple rites (they always hide the magical essence) every day, and your mood will dramatically improve.

Rites to Perform One Week Before Your Birthday

1. Take all possible measures to pay off debts; both monetary and spiritual.

For example, you borrowed money from a friend, or co-worker, make sure you pay them back.

Or there is someone who gave you so much support and lent you their hand whenever you needed it most, call them and say thank you, or just send a Thank You card, or take them out for dinner and say in person how grateful you are.

Spiritual pay offs can be performed by asking for forgiveness from the person that you hurt, or wronged. Same goes for all who offended you this year and left a deep mark of pain in your heart. Be compassionate and forgiving.

Let your pain go away. There is no need to carry it over to the new year of your life and allow it to stain and poison new and fresh energy that had been given to you so generously by the Universe. It can be done either in person or just in your heart. There is no difference. What matters most is the intention behind your forgiveness and your pure heart.

Another example is to send blessings of love and well-being to all beings by repeating several times a day, “May All Beings Be Happy.”

Also, perform simple acts of kindness every day.

2. Try to complete the most important cases (or at least lay the groundwork for their completion). Take care of all the little things that need to be taken care of, and deal with them before your birthday.

3. Declutter. Go through your closet, drawers, personal papers, items, and get rid of everything that you no longer need, or use. Also consider discarding any items that remind you of bad events, relationships, or are associated with pain and sorrow.

4. Clean up your house. Every day clean a new room. Enjoy the process.

5. Listen to beautiful music, soft sounds, and to some inspiring talks and interviews.

6. One of the evenings stay in solitude. Take a piece of paper, and write down your reflections of the past year.

  • Admit your mistakes and defeats.
  • Praise yourself for achievements.
  • List things you need to improve, such as your qualities, certain characteristics, or unfavorable behavioral patterns.

7. On your birthday, in the morning, take a piece of paper or your journal:

  • Set your goals for the year.
  • Circle the 3 ones that are of great importance to you in the coming year, and the other three that will be good to achieve, or at least start laying a foundation to reach them in the next year after your birthday.
  • Break each goal into small steps and write an approximate plan for how you can achieve this goal.
  • Mark these steps in your calendar.
  • Write each of your big goals on a small card in a present tense and the date by which you are planning to accomplish this goal. For example, I’m so happy building a successful online course by June 30, 2019.
  • Keep these cards near your bed. You will need to repeat them every morning after you wake up and every evening before you go to sleep.

Things to Avoid on Your Birthday

Your birthday symbolizes a new plane of energy and depending on how you receive and share it, you will establish either a positive or a negative foundation for your life until your next birthday. Therefore, do everything possible to protect yourself from anxieties, worries, stress, negativity, destruction, depression, sadness, and other low energies and vibrations.

  1. Avoid conflicts.
  2. Watch your language.
  3. Abstain from borrowing anything.
  4. Stay away from gossiping, and harsh judgements.
  5. Avoid negativity in all form (i.e. negative news, energy vampires, etc.).
  6. Do not cry, and fall into depression.

How to live the first 12 days after your birthday?

Day 1: This day lays a foundation for your physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being. That’s why it is important to spend this day with the people who you love and trust and with whom you feel your own true self. In every culture around the globe, it is customary to give gifts, say blessings and birthday wishes.

During this day do what you enjoy the most. You can go for a new haircut, massage, power walk, listen to your favorite music, treat yourself to your favorite dish/dessert, dance, go jogging, meditate, read, write, create, watch a nice, sweet comedy, put beautiful clothes on, and do anything else your soul desires, and feel your best. Think about what you like to do, or would like to do and start today!

Day 2: This day lays a foundation for your prosperity, financial security as well as your health. Write your financial goals for the year such as how much you want to earn in the coming year, things to purchase, or sell, places to visit, net profit from your business, your total net worth, investments you want to make, and debts you need to pay off.

It is necessary to update the money energy. For example, you can make a gift to someone, give donations to charity, help a homeless person, etc. This day is also a good day to start the transition to a healthy diet. Choose a diet that has wholesome, natural food, lots of vegetables, fruit, grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes.

Give yourself a gift of good health and loving nourishment.

Day 3: This day is important for building a network and establishing contacts. Change your style of communication with people. Get out of your comfort zone. If you are overly communicative, restrain yourself and listen to others. Introverts should try to overcome themselves and initiate a conversation. Today is the day to develop those communication skills and techniques that you do not have. During this day avoid conflicts at all cost. Pay attention to new acquaintances on this day as they may turn into a new friendship, or you may receive new insights and guidance.

Day 4: This day should be spent with the people dear to your heart. Spend this day with your parents, relatives, and friends. Visit your parents and let them know how much you love them and how happy you are about their presence in your life. Express your gratitude for their help, guidance, and support.

Get together with your close friends (or send them a message if they are far away) and thank them for their friendship.

Also find the time to clean up your house, open windows in every room and let new, fresh air come in and further purify your space, smudge sage to detox your house of all the negative energy it accumulated. Bless your house with love and gratitude, and fill your home and your surrounding environment with the highest vibration of love, light, and divine frequency.

Day 5: Unleash your creativity today. Go back to your childhood and remember something that you enjoyed doing as a child. Then get what you need, set, and get lost in your own creations. Or try something new that you’ve never done before.

For example, paint a picture, draw a cartoon, write a poem, make up a delicious dish, learn how to do decoupage, take beautiful pictures, find a creative solution to a problem you are facing, do origami, make a vision board, create gratitude cards, map out all the places you’ve visited, or want to visit, collect tickets / itineraries and pin them to the board to have a recollection of all you did during the year and many others.

You may also come up with 365 new activities to do every single day and write each one on a separate piece of paper, put the cards in a jar, and then every day take one out and just do it. This way you will fill your days with new energy, broaden your horizon, and make your life more interesting and exciting.

Day 6: This is the best day for cleansing and detox. This day is suitable for all health procedures such as deep tissue massage, infrared sauna, colon cleansing, swimming, fasting, walking, exercising, meditating, and maintaining noble silence. Abstain from all foods that are heavy, junk, unhealthy, processed, refined, salty, and sweet. Today the body is actively getting rid of toxins.

Day 7: It is a day of love and affection. This day is favorable to plan out all the things you would like to do with your family. Discuss what places you want to visit, what resorts to go to, how to spend the summer, how to spend quality time together, as well as what major purchases to make. Gather around a dinner table and engage in interesting and inspiring conversations, laugh, imagine, dream, and enjoy being together as a family.

Day 8: This is a day of deep reflection, of going deeper inside and contemplating on your life, goals, dreams, mission, and meaning of life. Try to spend this day in solitude, write your thoughts and reflections in your diary, think of the things that need to be improved in your life, what hinders you, try to cut it off, and determine priorities. Abstain from gossiping, negative talks, as well as from giving any advice to anyone.

Pay attention to your dreams this night as they may be visionary, or put some light on something that was blocking you in life.

Day 9: This day we lay down the program of entertainment and rest. If possible, take a day off and go on a short trip, around your neighborhood, or city. Go to a new park, walk on a new trail, visit a local museum, or an exhibition, watch a performance in a city theater, read about unusual sights, cultural traditions, international cuisine, and interesting innovations.

Do not miss the opportunity today to communicate with people of a different nationality — you may get some important knowledge that will contribute to your growth.

Spend some time in nature and get immersed in the sounds of nature. Walk slowly, take a few deep breaths, look at everything with open heart and mind, and feel how your heart is filled with love and gratitude for all the beauty around you.

Day 10: This day we build a platform for our career successes. Take an hour to think about your next projects and plans. Set clear goals for the future, and be sure to write them down. Think of your career, or a possibility of switching to a new career and do something that your heart desires, something you are passionate about. Think about the steps to advance in your career, to increase your income, to fulfill your potential, to contribute to the world by sharing your talents and abilities.

If you are successful enough, you can help someone else to achieve success, or create an online course to share your success story and outline the steps for others to take in order to achieve prosperity.

Whatever you do today will be multiplied. Therefore, be mindful and compassionate toward yourself and others. Help as much as you can wherever your help is needed.

Day 11: This day is suitable for serious undertakings in your life: engagement, marriage, signing up a new contract, buying a house, a new car, going on vacation, and making a decision of your life.

Day 12: We create an aura of goodness around us. This is a day of forgiveness and gratitude. Take your diary out and write all the things you are grateful for in your life. Visualize a big fire in front of you and burn all your pain, suffering, hurts, soul wounds, misery, and stress in the fire. Visualize how it all burns down, dissolves, disintegrates, and finally dissipates. Forgive all, including yourself. You will feel as if a big load had fallen off your shoulders.

Ask the Higher Forces to give you love for people, be compassionate, and generate as much good energy around you and become a beacon of light.

You have the ability to design your life the way you want and during these 12 days to create a solid platform for the near future, and finally start taking action toward a better, more fulfilling, meaningful, inspiring, exciting, interesting, generous, loving, wonderful, and joyful life.

May God bless all your endeavors and may you all be happy!



Galina Naihin

Certified Nutritionist, serving the world with pure heart and intentions. May all beings be happy!!!