What is a coated tongue?

Gnancy Jebadurai
2 min readFeb 15, 2023


A coated tongue is a condition in which a thick white or yellowish substance covers the top and sides of the tongue. The coating may also be accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth and slight discomfort when eating. In some cases, a coated tongue can be an indication of an underlying medical condition, and should be evaluated by a doctor or a dentist.

It is important to note that a coated tongue is not the same as a white-coated tongue, which is caused by bacteria and fungi growth on the surface of the tongue. A coated tongue is generally caused by factors like dryness, medications, dehydration, food sensitivities, and nutritional deficiencies. Other causes may include stress, infection, and smoking.

When looking in the mirror, you may notice a white or yellowish coating on your tongue. This coating may vary in thickness, and it can sometimes look lumpy or ridged. It is usually distributed more heavily at the back of the tongue. Additionally, some people may have a grey or brown coating, which may be indicative of a more serious underlying health problem.

If you are experiencing a coated tongue, it is important to see a doctor or a dentist to determine if there is an underlying cause that needs to be addressed.

