Gabriel Naranjo
2 min readFeb 4, 2016


I think that Nike has put Nike + Running in the back burner, and may be evaluating their commitment to digital products in general. The App has had only cosmetic changes for a long while, and now is even behind of the website: there are new trophies that don’t appear in the App, among many other things.

Badges allow you to track milestones in an easy manner, giving the App a gaming element. My App only shows the last two in this list. The picture was taken today on my profile in the website.

On a personal note: I ran my first race of the year on 31/01/2016 — a 5K on my kid’s school— and though I did manage to shave almost a minute from the same race of last year, I dropped one place in my category. I need to change the way I run.

My times improved last year, but I want to be faster and think that maybe Nike Coach is not meeting my needs

My next race will be on May the 6th, and for this particular one I’m switching my coaching App to My Asics Run Training. The main reason for trying this app is the personalized training coach feature, which is geared toward getting specific results for a given event, based on your current age, speed of your last race and performance during training.

I’ll be keeping a journal about my progress with this app, regarding the technical aspects of moving my data from Nike + Running to Asics, the way the new training works for me, and a coda with the results of the race.

It’s going to be fun.

