What is the height limit for Type III Construction?

3 min readSep 14, 2016

According to the International Building Code (IBC) Section 503 General Building Height and Area Limitations, the height limit is dependent on the Building Use. There are also exceptions that could increase the allowable limitations like in Section 504 Building Height.


503.1 General.

The building height and area shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 503 based on the type of construction as determined by Section 602 and the occupancies as determined by Section 302 except as modified hereafter. Each portion of a building separated by one or more fire walls complying with Section 706 shall be considered to be a separate building.

503.1.1 Special industrial occupancies.

Buildings and structures designed to house special industrial processes that require large areas and unusual building heights to accommodate craneways or special machinery and equipment, including, among others, rolling mills; structural metal fabrication shops and foundries; or the production and distribution of electric, gas or steam power, shall be exempt from the building height and area limitations of Table 503.

503.1.2 Buildings on same lot.

Two or more buildings on the same lot shall be regulated as separate buildings or shall be considered as portions of one building if the building height of each building and the aggregate building area of the buildings are within the limitations of Table 503 as modified by Sections 504 and 506. The provisions of this code applicable to the aggregate building shall be applicable to each building.


504.1 General.

The building height permitted by Table 503 shall be increased in accordance with Sections 504.2 and 504.3.

Exception: The building height of one-story aircraft hangars, aircraft paint hangars and buildings used for the manufacturing of aircraft shall not be limited if the building is provided with an automatic sprinkler system or automatic fire-extinguishing system in accordance with Chapter 9 and is entirely surrounded by public ways or yards not less in width than one and one-half times the building height.

504.2 Automatic sprinkler system increase.

Where a building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the value specified in Table 503 for maximum building height is increased by 20 feet (6096 mm) and the maximum number of stories is increased by one. These increases are permitted in addition to the building area increase in accordance with Sections 506.2 and 506.3. For Group R buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2, the value specified in Table 503 for maximum building height is increased by 20 feet (6096 mm) and the maximum number of stories is increased by one, but shall not exceed 60 feet (18 288 mm) or four stories, respectively.

Exception: The use of an automatic sprinkler system to increase building heights shall not be permitted for the following conditions:

1. Buildings, or portions of buildings, classified as a Group I-2 occupancy of Type IIB, III, IV or V construction.

2. Buildings, or portions of buildings, classified as a Group H-1, H-2, H-3 or H-5 occupancy.

3. Buildings where an automatic sprinkler system is substituted for fire-resistance rated construction in accordance with Table 601, Note d.

504.3 Roof structures.

Towers, spires, steeples and other roof structures shall be constructed of materials consistent with the required type of construction of the building except where other construction is permitted by Section 1509.2.5. Such structures shall not be used for habitation or storage. The structures shall be unlimited in height if of noncombustible materials and shall not extend more than 20 feet (6096 mm) above the allowable building height if of combustible materials (see Chapter 15 for additional requirements).

