
What is the required minimum height AFF of a electrical wall outlet according to NYC Codes?

2 min readMar 25, 2016

NYC Electrical Code does not specify a minimum mounting height.

New York City Electric Code 2011 Section 210.52

Section 210.52 of the NEC (National Electric Code) and the NYC Electrical Code (Based on the 2008 NEC) do not specify a minimum mounting height, but you do need to comply with the mounting height requirements of the local electric utility.

Based on Skwerl’s research, NYC does not specify a minimum. A common height for a wall outlet is between 12 to 18 inches AFF (above finish floor). In rare instances, outlets are still installed in baseboards and in the floor with proper box/covers.

For outlets to “count” must be less than 5–6” above the floor. NEC 210.52(4)

American Disabilities Act Requirement.

The Code of Federal Regulations 28 Part 36 (American Disabilities Act) in Section 4.27.3 states that electrical and communications system receptacles on walls shall be mounted no less than 15" above floor. However, the exception indicates that this does not apply to receptacles not intended for use by building occupants. The maximum height for receptacles and/or switches is between 48 and 54 inches, depending on the conditions, see Section 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 of the ADA.

Horizontal Placement (For Reference)

NEC 210–52 Generally, receptacle outlets in habitable rooms shall be installed so that no point along the floor line (measured horizontally) in any wall space is more than 6 feet from an outlet in that space. An outlet shall be installed in each wall space 2 feet or more in width.

Local Law 39 of 2015 (Int. No. 433-A)

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the installation and maintenance of electrical outlet safety devices and tamper-resistant receptacles in certain public parts of multifamily dwellings.

