Free Fundraising Templates for Cheer

Aimly - Aim High, Raise Easily
7 min readFeb 20, 2023


Aimly makes it easy for you to set up fundraising events for your cheerleading squad, so you can hit your goals and focus on competitions. Once you’ve set up your event, you’ll want to make sure you’re sharing the links to donate on social media and making it as easy as possible for your community to donate. With that in mind, in addition to posting on socials, you can make the most out of your network of supporters by sending out personalized emails and texts letting them know what you’re working towards.

Using templates is a great way to make efficient use of your time. A template is basically a draft of a message that you can send out, where you can put in the specific name of the person to make it feel personal. Whether you’re posting on Instagram, sending an email to a relative, or texting a family friend, having a good template helps you communicate with the people who want to support you by donating.

A good template accomplishes a few things:

  1. Talks directly to the recipient. Using the person’s name that you’re reaching out to will let them know how much you value them individually.
  2. Explains why you are raising money. Give them specifics so they understand exactly where their money is going.
  3. Define your mission. Helping your supporters understand what you hope to accomplish will make it more likely for them to be invested in your goals.
  4. Break down how your donors will be making an impact. Let your donors know how much you’re hoping to raise, and how their individual contribution could make a difference.
  5. Call them to action. A “Call To Action,” or CTA, is a specific request for the recipient. A good CTA will communicate your urgent need and encourage your recipient to donate.

Aimly wants you to have the most successful cheerleading fundraisers ever, so below you can find some templates for posting on social, emailing, and texting people. Feel free to copy and paste them, fill them in with your specifics, and send them around. You can also write your own templates using these as a guidepost!

Feel free to steal our templates! Work smarter, not harder!

Email Templates:

For Family and Friends:

Dear [Name],

You might know that I’ve been cheerleading for [X Amount of Time] with [Name of Cheerleading Organization]. Cheerleading gives me a team to work with, helps me grow my leadership skills, and is a healthy and fun outlet for me to compete in.

As a cheerleader, I’m responsible for raising [X Amount of Money] to cover the costs for things like [Give Examples].

With your support, this year our cheerleading team will be [Give specifics of what you will be competing in or doing]. I’m so excited to be a part of this team because [Give some reasons why you are personally excited about the things your group will be doing].

It would mean the world to me if you would consider donating. Every [X] dollar donation will allow me to [Give specifics about what the money will go towards].

This year we’re using Aimly as our fundraising platform. With Aimly, you can donate by purchasing gourmet chips or just donating directly. For every direct donation, Aimly will give a bag of chips to a local food pantry, so there’s no better time than now to support [The name of your cheerleading squad].

Will you make a donation of [X dollars] today? If you aren’t ready to donate [X dollars], please consider donating whatever amount you can.

Every donation helps! Go to [Put Event URL link Here] to easily support me.

Thank you!

[Your name]

Local Business Email Template:

Dear [Name of business or individual at the business],

My name is [Your name] and I’m a cheerleader with [Name of your squad]. I’m reaching out today because as a leader at [local company name], you understand the responsibility that comes with being an important part of an organization.

Being a cheerleader with [Name of the squad] has taught me so many things. I’m learning teamwork, how to compete in a healthy way, and [Insert something else you’ve learned].

In [Year], our cheerleading squad has to raise [X amount of money] in order to cover the costs for [The things you’re raising money for]. Without our community’s support, we won’t be able to [What are you planning with your squad?].

Would you please consider donating [X amount of money]? Your donation will help our squad achieve our goal of [What is your larger goal this year]? Your involvement would make a huge difference to us.

This year we’re using Aimly for our fundraising platform. With Aimly there are two ways to support us: Donating directly and buying gourmet chips on Aimly’s site. Also, you should know that for every direct donation, Aimly will give a free bag of chips to a local food pantry!

Thank you for considering supporting students’ success. Go to [Insert Aimly URL here] to make a donation today!

Thank you,

[Your name]

The last thing you’ll need for your emails is a catchy email subject. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Help us cheer our way to success!
  • Cheerleaders need your help — donate today!
  • Support our cheerleaders and their dreams!
  • Help us make our cheerleading goals a reality!

Text Templates:

Friends and Family Text:

Hey [Name of recipient],

I’m a cheerleader with [Name of the squad] and for [Year] we’re raising money for [What are you raising money for]. I’m really excited about [What are your cheerleading goals this year] but none of it will be possible without my community’s support. Cheerleading is so important to me, and if you would consider donating [X amount of dollars] it would help us hit our goals. Thank you for considering supporting me! You can donate directly or by buying gourmet potato chips (they’re delicious!). Go to [Enter Aimly Event URL] to donate today.

Hi [Name],

This is [Your name] from [Cheerleading team name]. I’m reaching out about our latest fundraiser, and hoping I can count on your support! We’re raising money to help us cover the cost of our upcoming competitions and travel expenses, and any amount you can give would be so appreciated. Your support will help us represent our school and community at the highest level possible. Please consider following the link below and donating with Aimly. You can either donate directly or give by buying some of Aimly’s gourmet potato chips (they’re delicious!). Call or text me with any questions you might have. Here’s the link to donate: [Insert Event URL]. Thank you so much for considering supporting our team!

Social Media:

Template One-

This year my cheerleading squad, [Name of the squad], is raising [How much are you raising] to pay for [What are you raising money for?]. Our goal is to make our community proud by competing in [what will you be competing in], and showing everyone what [Name of the squad] can do. With your support of [X amount of dollars], I’ll get to keep developing leadership and responsibility in a healthy environment. The best part is you can support us by buying gourmet chips! Go to [URL for Aimly Event Page] to donate today.

[Include a photo of you or your squad cheerleading]

Social Media Template Two-

Hey everyone! My cheerleading team is organizing a fundraiser to support upcoming competitions and events. We’re excited to make you proud this year and we need your help to make it happen!

This year we’re running our fundraiser on Aimly, so you can support us by either donating directly or purchasing bags of Aimly’s delicious, gourmet chips.

Please consider helping with even a small donation. Every donation makes a big difference and will help us spread our school spirit wide and far!

Thank you so much for considering donating, we couldn’t do it without you. Donate today at [Insert Aimly URL].

Thank you!

[Insert personal photo]

Catchy Fundraiser descriptions

  • Help us bring the cheer! Join our fundraiser to support [Name of Cheerleading Team]’s journey to the top! This year we’re raising money for [Insert Cheerleading Goals], and we need your help. Every donation, no matter how small, will help us achieve our dreams. We promise to make you proud!
  • You don’t have to be a cheerleader to help us cheer! This year our cheerleading team, [Name of Cheerleading Team], will be working hard to make our community proud and represent you on some big stages. We need your help to raise money for the supplies we need to compete, and every donation will make a huge difference in our upcoming competitions. Thank you for considering supporting us!
Photo by leah hetteberg on Unsplash

Aimly’s here to support you in achieving your dreams. If you need more help having a successful fundraiser check out our blog and Youtube channel. You can also reach out to our incredible customer support team for questions, or to set up a fundraiser-planning call. With Aimly in your corner, you have everything you need to exceed all your goals and have an incredible year with your cheerleading team. Go start an event with Aimly today!

Check us out today!



Aimly - Aim High, Raise Easily

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