Synergy @ the forum NYC 2017 : Top 3 things to do next

Maha Goalie Mind Team
2 min readOct 29, 2017

Synergy Global Forum 2017: #sgfnyc2017

You make what you create. In healthcare, we talk about drugs working synergistically to one another. Today it is time reel in the hooks and work in synergy with all the brilliant minds you’ve touched and have been touched by.

STEP 1: Transfer or take notes on the key elements which stood out to you about each speaker. Was there something that resonated about the words? What about the atmosphere, their motions, sound, tone, or body language? What do those features mean to you as a leader?

STEP 2: Reflect on the information presented, the moments shared with others and connect with all of them as soon as possible. (check :)

STEP 3: Create and execute an action plan surrounding your conference gains. DO what you can for who you can, within your natural reach. Jumping into a wall to give someone what you don’t have won’t help but we are all intelligent and connect. Maybe WE know someone, who knows someone, or we can offer a new perspective and vision for another.

Finally step four is VITAL! ❤

STEP 4: take a mental picture of our moments together:

Maha from Goalie Mind App: We help teachers connect with kids and their families while micro funding education and charitable contributions.

A little about me: I come from a healthcare background, have two teenish kids, am dyslexic, resourceful, and live in the Washington DC area. My development team is world class. They give much of their free time to our mission because they believe in it too.

Also, take your pledge to keep social media safe for kids at:

Reach Me:


linkedin: mahamokaddem

❤ MAHA Goalie Mind Team



Maha Goalie Mind Team

We help teachers, kids, and thier family connect in an inspiring way while microfunding educational opportunities and delving in social responsibility.