GoArt-DAMAT|TWEEN Meta-Store Grand Opening

5 min readNov 7, 2022


Dear Time Travellers,

As we go through the development, we have just taken our first steps in becoming the landing point for retail brands. Continuously working on adding innovative and engaging features to our metaverse. Being one of our first fashion brands to join the GoArt Metaverse, Damat|Tween meta-shop is here to serve you with a tailor-made shopping experience.

Here is an update on what we have been cooking for Damat|Tween and our community:

To proceed, we worked on 5 features for DAMAT|TWEEN’s debut in the GoArt Metaverse. To access Damat|Tween meta-shops users are required to download the GoArt app on their mobile devices and travel through brand portals.

The GoArtX Damat|Tween meta-shop building procedure & What we are offering?


Gamified meta-shop experience (Play to Earn)

Converting collected points to rewards.

Real-world AR game (Move to Earn)

Physical location pinning for Damat|Tween Meta shops.

The Meta-Shop experience

After working on endless concepts, we settled on a decision and created the most suitable meta-store for Damat|Tween. Upon entering the meta-shop, users encounter various Damat|Tween items, information stations, and a podium, all constructed on a 4096 m² Sandbox.

We utilize unity, unity cloud, unreal engine, photon engine, and firebase-like platforms and technologies for AR/VR development. And for the blockchain side development, we use solidity, hardhat, alchemy, morals, Chainlink oracle, and similar platforms and technologies.

The 3D Portals are designed by the content team and integrated by the development team. Updates are handled effortlessly thanks to Unity Addressable Asset System.

Granting us the ability to update the game without users being required to update it on their mobile App Stores.

We are continuously working on engaging and utilitarian content to attain a meta-shop structure that involves and rewards users.

Inside the meta-shop users can approach customer representatives to get information about the products and the brand’s culture. But that’s not all. Soon, users, who tap on items inside meta-shops, will be directed to Damat|Tween’s e-commerce page for more information on the products.

Avatars can try out the latest collections and designs on, and show them off. While Damat|Tween debuts its collection via a digital model to revolve around the podium and feast Damat|Tween customers’ eyes on the new stuff.

In the near future, users will be able to try on desired items on their person before buying, just like their Avatars. (Under development)

Gamified shopping experience

Users visit meta-shops to engage with the brand culture and socialize while collecting surprise items such as energy items, promo codes, NFTs, and Damat points.

Users can view the collected Damat points through the in-game inventory.

Converting points to rewards

Inside the shops, there will be NFTs and brand points scattered around. To utilize collected brand points, users can search for these NFTs and add them to their inventory. With the points added to their inventory, users can use them to access various features.

For a better understanding, consider if Damat|Tween plans to give away special NFTs to users. What users have to do is to walk around and collect these NFTs and Damat points around the shop.

If the user chooses to utilize the promo codes, a pop-up appears and directs you to damattween.com to offer you the option to use these codes as coupons to get discounted items.

Instead, users can trade promo codes and NFTs on secondary marketplaces if chosen not to be used.

A Real-World AR Game (Move to Earn)

The next step is to introduce AR into the mix. The app will operate the same way but with additional features, such as the ability to walk around with the camera open to virtually enhance the world and collect hidden items that can only be seen by utilizing AR.

To collect points and items, as the title suggests, you have to move to earn, in our case by physically walking.

Location Pinning

GoArt uses its AR expertise to provide Damat|Tween the ability to grant access to their meta-shops everywhere in the world, from Paris to Lagos.

Users enter meta-shops and benefit from the opportunities offered inside by simply walking to the selected physical locations. In return, we expect an increased amount of real-world foot traffic in selected locations via virtually enhancing the shopping experience.

GoArt Keys holders are in for a treat!

As emphasized as it is, we would like to remind you that your GoArt Keys embed various features and benefits to their holders. Together with the opening of their meta-shop Damat|Tween offered to sweep 10 ETH worth of GoArt Keys off the marketplace floor to demonstrate the value they give to the community.

The floor sweeping will commence on November 8, 2022!

In addition, Damat|Tween will host an event in its GoArt store to give you an exclusive chance to get one of the sweeped NFTs on November 20, 2022.

Stay tuned we will announce an AMA event regarding our collaboration with Damat|Tween.

About GoArt

GoArt is the single landing point to the metaverse for users and brands looking to use our AR expertise for a more immersive virtual experience. GoArt offers blockchain solutions for innovative brands on its AR-enhanced metaverse, striving to aid Web2 brands’ transition to Web3. In the game, users teleport through time portals and visit renowned historical places to move to earn MTE tokens, engage with their favorite brands and socialize.

Create your Avatar; Explore the metaverse; Expand your boundaries; Conquer your fears in adopting to Web3.

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