$GOAT Cash — The Herd is Coming

GOAT CASH - The Goat Master
4 min readAug 14, 2018


If you haven't heard about Goat Cash, you must have been living under a rock. With a community growing faster than an olympic sprinter, and technology being produced faster than any other ICO to date, Goat Cash is what most blockchain companies aspire to be.


So, what's the story with Goat Cash?

Well, the humble goat is more than just an animal in this world. The goat is not only one of the oldest domestic animals, it's hugely important for so many in this world. It's a source of milk, meat, cashmere, and acts as a fine worker too. Often a goat is the most important asset to a family in some parts of the world.

Due to this, the goat is more than just an animal, it's a symbol. This is why Goat Cash came to be. Not only do we want to build some amazingly cool stuff (more of that in a minute) but we want to use technology to bring good to the world too.

One of our huge aims with Goat Cash is to set milestones where we do IRL Goat Drops, donating real goats to those in need. Merging the use of the most modern technology to make an impact where the oldest domesticated animal still is beyond valuable.

Not only do we plan on real goat drops, but we are in the process of airdropping 225 million $GOAT to our herd. This is through our apps, being a part of growing our community and competitions. We have now been asked many times if we're doing an ICO and the answer is no; We don't need $20m to build cool things we, and everyone else can enjoy. Why can't we just try and have fun and include everyone for the journey?

And, what have you done?

We released our $GOAT token, which is an ERC20 token and has a supply of 450 million. This is representative of the total supply of goats worldwide.

Whilst having the $GOAT Cash is great, we wanted to really engage with our community and also have some fun. With that we decided at first to create a community and allow people to upload pics of goats, whether real life goats they see, or random memes you decide to create. As long as they're goats, it doesn't matter. That escalated a bit when our Chief Developer Vincent van Goat decided to build the all powerful AGI (Artificial Goat Intelligence).

image courtesy of FreakingNews.com

What does AGI do?

Firstly, the AGI will work out if what you submitted is a goat or not. Quite important. Secondly the AGI works out if it's seen the image before, it also then will check the internet for a uniqueness value as to how many times it finds this image. After that it categorises it, makes sure it's not rude and then gives it a level. This is then assigned a $GOAT value, which is then paid out to the uploader.

Like I said, Vincent got way carried away (we're just big geeks at heart)… but man is it cool! The dApp is currently in BETA in use with our telegram community and we've so far given away hundreds of thousands of $GOAT to our community.

We will be developing out the Goat Analyser dApp some more, while we also work on some other games we have planned. *cough* GoatMEX *cough* We have some awesome plans…

All About The HERD!

When we softly launched this, we put up our website, set up our twitter, started a telegram group and a BitcoinTalk ANN and thought… OK, let's do this…! That was less than 5 days ago now and that 5 days has been more than crazy. While we have a modest 210 twitter followers at time of writing, we have a fantastic 650 telegram users already. This is where the herd has come into it's own. The community has been amazing; helping us fix, change, improve our app while being rewarded for coming along for the ride. What a great group of people we've brought into the herd in such a short space of time. Seriously, jump on board, it's a wild ride 24/7!

What next?

As mentioned, we're working on improvements on our dApp, which as mentioned has already given out hundreds of thousand $GOAT in a few days, while we build it out on mobile too. We'll be releasing both iOS and Android wallets soon, with integrated dApps. This should be great fun!

On top of this, we're currently in talks with 4 exchanges and have in the pipeline a "gestation" (staking) period for our $GOAT hodlers, to reward their loyalty to us and the $GOAT.

There are a few more things we're working on at the moment as well, but we'll release more about them as they're further down the line.

We'd love to welcome you into the herd, we have some great fun and ultimately everyone there understands and shares our mission to try and spread good in the world, while having fun.

You can join our telegram here and follow us on twitter here and any questions you have you can email us on hello@goat.cash

Much Love, The Goat Master



GOAT CASH - The Goat Master

we have built a dApp that rates your goat memes & pics using AGI (Artificial Goat Intelligence) machine learning and artificial intelligence.