
Go Beyond
3 min readJul 28, 2020


The Digital Business Card for your bio!

Every Social Media platform has a bio page, right?

You usually find your bio in the account section of your app or program. But like Twitter and Instagram, it is more than likely at the top of your feed.

The bio includes your image or avatar, a small description about you or your brand and usually your web address.

Now here is the deal. You can normally only put one link in your bio so you would have to choose which you’d like people to visit. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook all only let you add ONE link and on Instagram links in your posts are not even clickable, so this is a problem right, but why?

The problem is that you want followers from your Twitter to visit your Instagram and Instagram followers to visit your Twitter. But you also have a YouTube channel and a Facebook page etc… what do you do now?

Well this is where Slink works its magic and comes to save the day for all of us that use more than one platform (which is everyone we reckon!)


Slink works by giving you one custom URL that you can put on all your different platforms which then sends them to your own Slink Business Card. You will now only ever have to share the same link!

Once the client has clicked your Slink link, they will be taken to your page. Your page will then have any links you have added to your card, such as Twitter, Instagram or Youtube…you get the point!

But wait it gets better, Slink is constantly updating their service by adding more platforms you can add. They have the usual social channels, plus you can add links to Gmail, Pintrest and even Tumblr or Patreon.

If you decide to go Premium (for a small but worthwhile fee) you can add YouTube player, which means you can play a selected video from your channel straight from the card, and every time someone views it from your card it counts as a view on your Youtube!

Other premium tools include a gallery, Google Docs and Apple or audio players!

How you arrange and design your card is entirely up to you, with so many customisable options Slink makes it really simple for you to make your card bespoke to you.

As a social media resource Skink is something that has really helped us because we have many things happening at once and Slink let’s us put them all in one place.

Go Beyond .

