My Conference Realignment: The Mountain West

Blake Pulliam
2 min readDec 15, 2023



  • Colorado
  • BYU
  • Utah
  • Boise State
  • Wyoming
  • Air Force
  • Colorado State
  • Utah State
  • Southern Utah
  • Utah Tech

The history of major conferences and what equates to a major conference throughout the years has been interesting. For instance, despite consisting of teams like Cincinnati, Louisville, USF, Rutgers, and UConn, the Big East remained a BCS conference from 2005 all the way to their demise in 2012. The SWC was a conference that had teams like Rice, Houston, and Baylor, but was considered a major conference all the way to its death in 1996. So with a few adjustments and additions, why can’t a conference like the Mountain West be considered a major conference as well?

The new Mountain West would be located entirely within the actual mountain west region of the United States, so no teams like San Diego State, Hawai’i, or San Jose State. With it being within this region, I would add a few teams that would give the conference a major upgrade in Colorado, Utah, and BYU. With these teams and a rejuvenated Boise State, this conference could very well be considered a major conference, or at least a hybrid. Colorado can still play Nebraska in non conference play, while continuing their rivalry with Colorado State. Utah can restart the Holy War with BYU, and all the new teams will fit in culturally and competitively for the most part. Utah Tech and Southern Utah might take some time, but eventually with proper leadership they can fully adjust.

