Everything to Know About WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

Delfina Forstmann
4 min readDec 10, 2018

Mental health issues are an epidemic in our society. Fast moving cities and unhealthy lifestyle choices have had hazardous effects on our mental wellbeing. Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience some form of mental illness in a given year.

What is WRAP

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), founded in 1997, aims to find a more holistic approach to the prevention of mental illness. WRAP was further developed by Dr. Mary Ellen Copelandwho suffered from bipolar disorder. Her mental illness motivated her passion for helping others. The advocates of WRAP appreciate the fact that everyone responds differently to treatment and respects the fact that you know your illness best. In turn, WRAP gives you the opportunity to design your own treatment and recovery plan.

What Does Recovery Mean to Your Mental Health?

The secret lies in the premise that our brain and body work in union and so we need to maintain an optimal health of both. Otherwise, the additional and inevitable stress factors will have a domino effect, which eventually will exacerbate the main issue. WRAP offers a preventative action plan.

5 Key WRAP Recovery Concepts


it is important to understand that the recovery is limitless and possible to everyone regardless of what condition is being dealt with. The diagnosis should not undermine your goals or prevent you from happiness.

Personal responsibility

Realizing that happiness and fulfillment of life are in your hands, gives an empowering feeling. It boosts confidence, which is also important in creating your own WRAP plan.


Educating yourself about the condition you are targeting is important so that you would be able to address the issues and outline a recovery plan. Secondly, learning about yourself will help make an action plan, which we will discuss later.


The ability to reach out to others so that you can be offered help and support needed on your path to recovery. It also implies a belief in yourself and the ability to bravely stand up for your goals as well as determination to get better.


Make space in your life to socialize and accept support from other people. This is an important factor in our lives regardless of what our story is. The aforementioned qualities of independence and responsibility do not contradict the need to feel connected to other human beings.

What Are the Goals of WRAP?

The program is based on self-help tools, that may be implemented together with other treatment strategies in order to achieve wellbeing and recover stability in life. Regardless of what has plagued your life, a medical condition, loss of a relative, substance abuse issues, troubles at work or home, the method does not discriminate. The idea is based on the notion that the path to wellbeing is a process. WRAP should become a longterm part of your lifestyle rather than a short-term project.

Wellness Toolbox

An important part of WRAP is the Wellness Toolbox. It may include pleasant activities like exercising, relaxing and meditating, socializing, engaging in hobbies, getting enough sleep, etc. Sticking to these healthy habits will help to maintain a positive mental state.

Take your time to find out which practices need to be incorporated into your daily plan. Knowing what makes you tick will positively improve your recovery.

Action Plan

Sticking to the Wellness Toolbox is a good start. Furthermore, create a daily maintenance plan. Do this when you are feeling well as a reference point for when you are feeling down. WRAP also advises learning to recognize the early warning signsof an oncoming health setback. The ability to identify the symptoms and take early action will prevent them from taking over your life.

It is also important to outline a crisis planfor when the things get out of hand. It should be addressed to people who are potentially going to take care of you. Pinpoint the signs that allow others to identify when they need to provide extra help to you. Then prepare for the post-crisis. Identify what actions help you put your life back on track after the symptoms wane.

Finally, notice the stressors. For example, stressful situations at work or family, loud noises, unhealthy food might trigger the symptoms and worsen your emotional state.

Benefits of WRAP

People who incorporate WRAP into their lives praise the technique of giving them their life back, which previously has been consumed by their condition.

WRAP improves people’s social lives, their relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and carers. WRAP has also been said to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. It betters self-management skills and boosts confidence.

The technique is non-intrusive and due to its holistic approach accessible to anyone to try. Whether you have been diagnosed with a condition or simply are in search of improving your life, trying WRAP is a good start to set you on the right track for a better life.



Delfina Forstmann

Delfina joined BOLDFISH in November ’18. Prior to that she was a writer at a renowned travel blog. Delfina writes to gives her generation a new take on tech.