The most scariest moment in my life

AJ - mom, wife, business woman
2 min readJun 4, 2023


This week I had a moment when you felt scared and confused and afraid of what is going to happen and what you need to do in my life. My husband was sick and had symptoms after we researched it could be a nasty and rarely curable cancer. That last 2 days while waiting to scan and confirm it was so stressful and your brain was no stop and hard to shut it down. You just imagine different situations that could happen to him, our son, my life and our business. It was overwhelming.

The most crucial situation was if it was the type of cancer we researched, he could be gone in just 3 or 6 months. We never had any ideas and prepared about this situation to happen to our life before. Our son is going to be 10 years old and grow up without his dad and we all three of us have been very very close. We do things together all the time. I can’t picture how my son would feel or life could go on without his dad.
The next day, after long talks, crying, hugged, quieted and brainstormed — I googled and researched by myself the symptoms that explained the type of cancer we are afraid of. A little bit relieved, it has some symptoms that match my husband’s diagnosis but clearly ones were not there. So I was a bit relieved. Next just had to wait until he could get a scan from the hospital.

We both prayed.
The day at the hospital — scanning technician informed him — this is not the cancer we were worried about. It was something else. Oh boy — so relieved and lifted the mountain off our chests :)

I knew right then, this is the moment that changed my life and how I treat it. I stop worrying about things that I could do or managable. It is nothing compared to this — if your husband will be gone in 3 or 6 months, our son will have no dad who he is very very close to and very respected. Anything in my way from now on, it is a piece of cake.

I was born lucky enough to have this family. I will care for, and value every minutes I have with them from now on. Life is unpredictable. Enjoy the times you have with your loved ones as much as you can.

