A call to action…for myself

Alida McDaniel
2 min readNov 11, 2016


As a coach, my job is to BE the change I wish to see in the world and in my clients. When I make a decision to react, I understand how important it is to make that choice for US and not for myself.

That has not always been my understanding but it sure does resonate TODAY in a time when I witness our brothers and sisters tearing each other apart yet continuing to preach love and light.

You may not want to hear this but…the presidential vote doesn’t matter.

ONE person cannot be responsible for changing a country.. WE the people…the masses through our actions, choices and ability to work together, despite differences…are the ones responsible.

If we truly wish to believe that nothing is impossible then let us BEHAVE as such!

If you’re living in fear, you give the darkness, that you so willing attempt to fight against, power over you. It’s time to surrender our need to focus on the dark in favor of becoming the light.

My fear is nothing more than doubt in MY own ability to live with greatness. I can’t blame the outcome of my life, my choices, my work, or my any of my efforts for that matter, on a government or A president as the outcome falls solely on MY beliefs and actions to follow through.

I see in my FB feed today that people are deeply hurting with fear rather than stepping up in their infinite TRUE potential.

Shame on ME for not being better.

I’ve learned. Now I owe it to you, the one reading this, to let down my fear and step into my power as this is the only way others have space to do the same.

If EACH one of you reading this takes this same action, we will create a ripple effect around the world and THEN we will rise as one.

It’s time people. Empower yourself (put on your oxygen mask), then go BE the change (showing others how to put on THEIR OWN mask). Because it’s in raising our own frequency that others rise too.



Alida McDaniel

Purveyor of quantum-level life hacks. Disciple of the great life. Transformational Life Coach. Designer of Eco-luxury fashion. Neuro-hacker.