It’s tough, right?

The hustle. The grind. The hardwork and efforts when others are out partying…the choice to be self-driven when the world is unmotivated can be a bit heart-wrenching at times.


But not for those who are successfully self-driven.

I posted a wave on Anchor the other day about what it meant to be self-driven. To me, it’s an ever changing state of mind. The ultimate level is one fueled by great purpose to create something remarkable through tenacious and relentless action.

When we consider the term self-driven, it’s usually in reference to successful people who don’t need others to motivate them. Human nature complicates this a bit with identity, limits and “shoulds.” In reality, we are ALL self-driven even if our car is being driven in the wrong direction.

Growing up, I struggled to feel safe. My parents divorced when I was 6. My dad moved in with another woman and my mom took up a three-job lifestyle to make enough money to give me the life she never had.

I developed an association during that time that money + trusting men = disaster. Sadly, as I’m sure you can already guess, that was a very BAD way to see life! I spent many years sabotaging myself in every way to prove this.

Consciously, I made choice after choice to PROVE my beliefs. I was driven by my reactive mind with full knowing that I was afraid of experiencing that same hurt again. Not self driven to succeed, rather, I was self driven to fail.

When we finally wake up to purpose and realize that there’s more to life than playing small, our drive redirects to support a bigger and greater meaning in life. We become more rational, more analytical, and more inspired to grow.

Getting to this wake up call is the challenge as, I became so addicted to the grind of my pain, I was attached to the identity of the suffering and not willing to explore the potential of ease and grace. Ego wants us to see struggle where Higher Self wants us to experience bliss.

Being self-driven is a hustle. It’s an internal hustle to prove what we believe to be true and is entirely subjective to the time and place we are at in this life.

Drive is like a tool that many of use don’t know how to use efficiently. It’s like giving a screwdriver to a baker and expecting her to use it for whisking. It can poke and prod the egg whites but it will never make meringue!

As an effective tool, drive can be our greatest asset. Imagine what your life would be life if you could literally drive your own life in the direction of your desired destiny. Oh sure, we have a million and one cliché affirmations about being the creator of our own reality but without knowledge of HOW self-drive works, we fall into the same crappy fluff that made Law of Attraction laughable after The Secret was released.

The answer: BEINGNESS

How we show up to life is the biggest clue to the direction we are driving our life. Without knowing who we are being in the moment, unconscious choices are crashing us into the same walls time and again. I had to seriously wake up to why I kept choosing the same path before I was able to shift it. It never dawned on me that I had a choice to BE someone different. My brain was so focused on survival that my mind zeroed in on only the limits of my potential, a greater affirmation of my comfort zone AS identity.

Your identity is the expression of all of your beliefs complied into one persona. It’s who you think other people think you are…not simply who YOU think you are.

Get clear. If you have things in your life that you can’t seem to conquer, it’s not you doing the thinking. Instead, it’s the culmination of all the fears, doubts, and judgments of others that you have accepted as your truth which now make your decisions for you.

Think about THAT! Crazy right?!

So here’s the thing…

To change your hustle from proving suffering to proving success, there are a few things you need to know.

  1. Reverse Engineer- instead of running your life on reactive auto-pilot, go into the future and dissect your future legacy having already been accomplished. Who are you? What do you do? Who do you surround yourself with? What is your unique message? What ways have you impacted the world?
  2. Get Right With Yourself- look at all the ways you are out of integrity with your legacy at the current moment. Commit to stop proving old beliefs to be true and start creating new beliefs that lead you in the direction of your dream life. Truth is relative to perception, not concrete.
  3. Stop Fighting, Start Being- you can’t change the world around you until you change the world within you. Give more attention to bettering yourself than you do to fighting against the things you don’t agree with. A mindset of against-ness will drain your energy and prevent you from playing ALL-IN with your legacy. Instead, BE who you want to be for YOU.
  4. You Are A Magnet- the Law of Attraction is a real function of quantum mechanics. When you shift focus to the desired outcome, and drive your thoughts, actions and habits to match it, you will find the Universe works FOR you behind the scenes to manifest it for you. You are frequency. Thoughts and experiences are frequency. Matter is frequency. Without alignment of both theory AND action, the frequencies clash, creating an experience of mediocrity.

To truly hustle for success, to drive purposefully, would be to consistently align your beingness with your goal. You must be willing to drown out the views of others, learn how to think for yourself, and take action despite tough challenges.

Remember, it’s how you show up in each moment that shows you where you are driving yourself. May as well make it a delightful experience, right?



Alida McDaniel

Purveyor of quantum-level life hacks. Disciple of the great life. Transformational Life Coach. Designer of Eco-luxury fashion. Neuro-hacker.