Life’s Indoctrinations

A journey of unfoldment

Alida McDaniel
2 min readJul 7, 2014

When we’re born, we begin a path of “learning” that molds us and sculpts us into a vision of what our parents believe is real. We are exposed to media, television and magazines telling us that THIS is the way life really is. Our culture determines our “identity” and we’re taught to never forget where we “came” from. And what point does someone remind us of our true nature? Our God-energy.

Wisdom is the process of learning, unlearning and relearning.

When given the chance as children, do we not act in compassion and love? We learn fear, doubt, judgement and resistance from our parents and society. We learn to see the world in limits rather than abundance from the those who have contributed to “teaching” us about the world.

Now, as adults, we have the power to change all of that. WE have the power to become the radiant expression of the divine in all that we do. WE have the power to create a new identity that reflects love, compassion and gratitude. WE have the power to change how we show up in life rather than reflecting the burdens of our past.

You see, we have a choice:
A- we can pretend to “never forget where we came from” and spend our entire lives reflecting a limited version of ourselves, basing our identity on what we were taught to believe is our truth and playing small to keep the people around us happy
B- we can REMEMBER where we really came from, source energy, and reflect abundance by playing ALL IN, living fully, taking purposeful action and consciously creating the life we experience.

Will you choose to be a victim of circumstance and but into the indoctrination of the physical world illusion, or will you choose to be the highest and best expression of your true self?

#thinkaboutit #lovesvoice #realtalk #nofear #limitless




Alida McDaniel

Purveyor of quantum-level life hacks. Disciple of the great life. Transformational Life Coach. Designer of Eco-luxury fashion. Neuro-hacker.