You’re not broke. Your thoughts sure ARE though…

Alida McDaniel
3 min readSep 24, 2019

It begs the question:

Are you REALLY “broke” or are you CHOOSING to be BROKEN? 🤔

To claim the statement “I AM broke” declares identity and ALL its functions/associations with the word BROKEN.

Which means…

Things…aka YOU…are flawed, scarred, and incomplete.


To identify with this beingness is to adapt your energy and mindset with all that IS broken.

It’s Law of Attraction, baby!


Your mind will work to prove it in EVERY way!

That’s called the Reticular Activation System.

👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Here’s a great article on the subject 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

How DOES one who’s broken behave?

Think? 😣

Choose? 🤯

Adapt? 😫

However you answered those questions is how YOU are BEING every time you claim “I am broke.”

Look at your body…😷

Does it function as you wish it would? Do you struggle losing weight? Healing chronic illness/inflammation? Do you battle with food additions/binge eating? Do you suffer from “seasonal” allergies or cold/flu? Do you struggle keeping your immune system up? Do you feel clumsy and prone to injuries?

Assess your mental focus…😵

Does your memory, focus, or cognition actually serve you or does it seem to work against you? Does YOUR anxiety get the best of you? Are you forgetful? Are you easily distracted?

Review your performance… 😨

Do you feel you lack discipline and will power? Like you just can’t seem to take action on things you KNOW you should be doing? Do you battle staying motivated? Do you suffer with “Oh Shiny” complex?

➡️ ➡️ THIS is the energy your body emanates from that space of “I AM broke.”

And it doesn’t just come from a correlation with money…

It comes every time you assume your past is ALL you have to define you. 🙇🏼‍♀️

It happens every time you assume “MY” illness/mental affliction/dis-ease/injury! 😏

🚫🚫🚫Just because something IS doesn’t mean YOUR ARE it. 🚫🚫🚫

It means you are going THROUGH it 🙌🏼

BIG difference!

One of the many things I teach my clients is that ailments of brokenness (the I AM attachment to anything opposite of abundance) are lesson plans. ✅

These are afforded to us for the sake of learning…NOT identifying with.

💡And once we are clear enough to process this lesson, the ailment no longer IS us!

As Jesus once said to a woman who begged him to heal her of leprosy, “What have you learned from this affliction?”

She responded in angst, “Nothing! I’m hideous.” 😫😫😫

“Then until you have learned, I cannot heal you.”😏

Or in other words…I CHOOSE not to heal you because you CHOOSE not to learn the lesson and heal your own self!

Having been someone who battled with obesity, chronic illness, depression, fibromyalgia, and compulsive over eating…

I can attest to the notion that I AM NOT any of those things NOR will I ever claim them again as MINE again! 🔥

Once I began seeing them as lesson plans, I was able to release the identity I’d built around being broken.

Hence, I no longer NEEDED the afflictions. 🤨

As an example…

One of my clients came safely off of Zoloft this past month, another has stopped drinking after work every day, while another is making healthy food choices AND building her business ON an international trip.

➡️All of which came by seeing the LESSON PLAN in the suffering. By bombarding their lives with empowerment, self awareness, and the knowing that their identity is a choice, NOT a curse. ⬅️

Want to start operating from completion? 🤔

Are you ready to give up the brokenness in exchange for ALL the goodness you so richly CRAVE? 💯

What will it take for you to take a stand?

Alida is a Transformational Life Coach who’s dedicated her life to teaching optimal wellness through holistic practices. She works one-on-one with clients who are going through transitional periods in life with relationships, health, and business. Her online AlphaZen Academy support clients in a self-paced group format to develop self trust and build effective manifestation skills. Alida also hosts an invite-only, monthly series, Jedi Mindfulness Training, that supports the fullest expression of the Higher Self. To connect with her on any of these offerings, or regarding this article, please contact her at



Alida McDaniel

Purveyor of quantum-level life hacks. Disciple of the great life. Transformational Life Coach. Designer of Eco-luxury fashion. Neuro-hacker.