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5 min readDec 28, 2018


This seem to be an easy to answer question, but the most difficult to encounter in my life, why? Because love doesn’t ask why (...laughter...).

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not state or reflect those of the TAU company and its management. However, under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall author be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials on this article. Views and opinions mentioned in this article may not be suitable for you and you should make your own independent decision regarding them. This material does not take into account of your financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You should strongly consider seeking advice from your own way of understanding or advisors.

From simple to the best answers that would be given, my love towards TAU can be explained basing on few, among others, important aspects:

Taucoin is an electronic currency of the new era: a distributed, global currency, decentralized digital money which can be used as a store of value and means of exchange as well as fast and secure peer-2-peer payment. With its single Blockchain-single Utility nature, TAU will stand out.

New consensus protocol
Taucoin proposed proof-of-transaction (POT), a new and an emerging comsesus protocol which is quite different as compared to POW and POS. POT consensus protocol is mostly based on users where by all ensures the network security through their daily and economical activities and behaviours - transacting, whereby all participants in the consensus become incentivized. The more transactions on the network, the more secure over time it becomes.

Decentralized Nature
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without the need of a third party. "Taucoin is designed to reward miners transaction fee only and support single function, that is permission-less decentralized peer to peer payment." iMorpheus stated.

This idea became the basis of TAU's decentralization across a variety of its use cases in which it is possible to have a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust.

Block nature/design Tx fees
While other coins (like Bitcoin cash SV) focus on increasing the block size (up to 128m) and increase transaction fees,TAU put more attention on reducing both the block size up to 1kb and transaction fees to allowing fast communication and easy blockchain download on mobile environment which will easily help to leverage decentralization and thus, mass adoption is sure.

TAU Mining
TAU mining is quite different from mining other coins like Bitcoin or EOS. In TAU network, there is no hardware and staking requirements as in POW and POS. CPU power is irrelevant towards TAU mining that’s why it’s even possible to mine TAU even in especially all mobile (android) devices and in pervasiveness. Let’s call it HARVESTING instead.

TAU is Fair
TAU gives all people in the world an equal chance to get basic coins either beginners or experienced. TAU is also structured in such a way sthat all transactions are cost friendly to all users. Those with high amount of transactions and those with low transactions both receive incentives.

TAU Network is Secure
The security of of any blockchain is key and has stemmed in the cryptography that it utilizes hence, it is the technology’s decentralized nature that provides the foundations for its security. TAU’s POT protocol is based more on transactions, the more the transactions in the network, the more secure the network it become. In POT, more mining power will be distributed to most of addresses, hence time (ageing) of the network combined with the mining power distribution over the network build more security in TAU ecosystem against 51% power attack.

Its highly accepted
Many people from various places are starting to accept TAU from at the very inception (testnet) which is the good indication to the project, this is a currency gaining traction and seems to be gaining worldwide acceptance.


This is the critical element in any organization, and it starts at the very top. It’s up to company leaders to maintain open communication and keep the stakeholders fully in the loop. As a good and community based project, TAU team lead by iMorpheus (founder) is very strong and and are doing a very trustful work through exercising high degree of transparency (openness) in making sure the community keep informed in each and every aspect of the progress. For the weekly updates via Medium, Reddit, Facebook and Twitter, this is the professionalism we expect from a top crypto company in the world — TAUCOIN. Following the project development and progress via Github (including whitepaper which is ongoing) is possible and any one can see to what degree they have exposed to the top forum like Bitcointalk. Lucky enough, you can explore more information about community involvement on building it via TAU’s own forum the so called Taucointalk , that’s the team’s need to expose and open their reality.

If you want to find out more about TAUCoin click here

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