From Skinny To Jacked: 3 Simple Steps To Transform Your Physique

Godfrey The Great
3 min readJun 8, 2023

Good news: Anyone can be jacked.

It doesn’t matter where your body is right now.

If you follow the 3 steps I’m about to outline for you, you will have an immaculate body.

Will you be able to become a professional bodybuilder?

Probably not.

But don’t let those juiced up figures of glory get in your head.

This is YOUR body.

Don’t worry about how other people look, you are in competition with yourself.

With that out the way, here are the steps:

Step 1: Eat Clean And Eat A Lot

All calories are not created equal.

You need to eat, just stay away from processed, sugary junk.

When it comes to nutrition, quality matters.

Ditch the empty calories found in greasy burgers, chips, and doughnuts.

Instead, focus on clean, nutrient-dense foods that will fuel your muscles and help them grow.

Protein is now officially your best friend.

Start eating a bunch of lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and vegetables.

Do this everyday and your muscles will be bulging out of your t-shirts.

You’ll become so massive and muscular that your mom will need to buy you a new set of clothes for Christmas!

Step 2: Train Hard In The Gym

To build a jacked physique, you must train hard and consistently.

And when I say train hard, I mean lifting weights. This isn’t about running yourself into a coma.

Each time you hit the gym, push yourself beyond your previous limits.

Embrace the principle of progressive overload — gradually increasing the demands you place on your muscles.

Or as coach Greg likes to put it, “train harder than last time”.

How do you do that?


Add more weight, increase the number of reps or sets, and challenge yourself with new exercises.

Your body will respond by adapting and growing stronger. The key is to consistently challenge and stimulate your muscles to encourage growth.

Combine this with your protein packed diet and your body will become glorious.

Step 3: Be Patient

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Why would your body be any different?

Transforming your body from skinny to jacked is not an overnight process.

It requires a lot of patience and a bunch of persistence.

Stay committed to your training and nutrition plan, and trust the process.

Consistency is key to making any massive changes in your life.

You take small baby steps until one day the results smack you in the face.

Celebrate the small victories along the way, whether it’s adding a few extra kilos to your lifts or noticing subtle changes in your physique.

Maybe your chest is looking a bit juicier.

Perhaps your quads are beginning to resemble tree trunks.

Whatever it is, take pride in it.

That’s it— 3 simple steps to go from skinny to jacked.

I hope this article finds you well and helps you out.

Thanks for reading,


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Godfrey The Great

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