How To Make Millions With AI

My Experience…

Godfrey The Great


I love AI.

Ever since I began using Chat GPT, I pretty much use it everyday.

It’s like my personal assistant that never talks back or refuses to co-operate (unless I’m being cheeky of course).

When I first started using it, loads of ideas started flooding into my mind.

Ideas on how I could start a million businesses all powered by AI.

This was the passive income junkies dream actualised.

All I’d have to do is leverage the power of AI, make a bunch of stuff, then sit back and watch my profits soar.

Sadly, this dream quickly turned into reality and none of my fanciful dreams of passive riches have materialised (yet lol).

Now don’t get me wrong, there are definitely ventures worth pursuing here.

You could set up a website with billions of blog posts all covering one niche.

Those blog posts could help you rank high on Google.

You could set up social media pages to repurpose your blog content and build an audience.



Godfrey The Great

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