Why Your Mood Is Malleable

Here’s How To Make It Work In Your Favour…

Godfrey The Great
5 min readJun 15, 2023


How often have you found yourself trapped in the clutches of a negative emotion, believing that there’s no escape from its grip?

It’s easy to fall victim to the illusion that our moods are fixed, that they are a permanent state we must endure.

But what if I told you that your mood is malleable — that you possess the power to shape and transform it at will?

Would you believe me?

Or just dismiss this notion as a load of rubbish?

The truth is, the way you feel is not set in stone.

It’s a dynamic landscape, constantly shifting and evolving.

Just as a sculptor moulds clay into a masterpiece, you have the ability to mould your mood into something incredible.

The key lies in recognizing that you are in control — that you hold the reins of your emotional state.

It’s crucial to understand that your emotions are not merely a result of external circumstances.



Godfrey The Great

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