Godhuli Das
6 min readAug 23, 2020


Have you ever realised the philosophical interdependence of Art, Dream and Psychology? the three sound so different from one another yet again their mystic correspondence can be traced back through the human mind and soul. Once a human is born on Nature’s lap, he observes his surroundings with idiosyncrasy and it’s the psychical intellect that synchronises with his observations to decipher the underneath meaning. It’s like knowing the Unknown and dreaming the impossible Dream that corresponds to your vision and experience ultimately bringing you the dance in the waterfall. Colours and the shades, thoughts and dreams, real and unreal all lie on different pages of knowledge the Universe has to offer. Hurling myself into this gulf of discovery bed I have tried to analyse an abstract inference on where and how Art and Psychology connects!

The posthumous advent of some marvellous yet deuced emotions upsurges one’s cognitive dismay. The vibrant amalgamation of metaphysical exposition clubbed with intrepid rationality never fails to fulfil a philosophic’s bequest. The eccentric reflex of a thoughtful mind — an apocalyptic connoisseur mystifies the artistic capacities of the brain. It’s Art that never fails to objectify the imaginary perspectives in coherence.Art goes hand-in-hand with innovation, knowledge, contemporary society, state, polity and culture all dipped in the bristles of brush strokes by the artists. Their outflow of emotions and interpretation of reality, their aesthetic psychology serve as the primal element of the masterpiece we have today.

The cave paintings, statues, totems, mosques, effigies during the Upper Palaeolithic Age and Neolithic Age do not necessarily satisfy the definition of art emergence but these inscriptions laid the foundation of Art origin. The hieroglyphics comprising of various symbols and figures, the basics of 1st calendar formation, pyramidal sculptures, recording of data all speak of the inner art psychology of human being from the very beginning. A part of the mass takes the art sense as an admiration encounter or study purpose to acquire skills and knowledge, the other part is unaware of understanding the underlying basics of curiosity shown by the light of Art. The tempest of psychological thought emphasizing individualism besides portraying the emotional bias towards religion is traced back to the Hellenic Era. Geometry, Cartography, Medicine, Psychological schools of thought and all other developing fields of knowledge have their proportional course of development that clearly depicts the conglomeration of human potential sense and psyche.

The Mosan art, the Gothic Art, The Carolingian Art developed by some anonymous artists in Europe in the Middle Age contextualize eccentric art encompassing detailed grandeur of lavish works. The Buddhist monasteries, the Churches, the Chinese Pagodas patronized the stylized intricate artworks inscribed to attract pilgrims from all over the World. The insightful murals, marvellous architecture with minute colour detailing, sharp carvings and designs amazes the human mind and excites the human spirit to dwell in the path where it takes.

In the Modern Era, Impressionism has a contrasting exposure when compared to the Neo-Classical style that uses CHIAROSCURO letting the observer look into the pieces of art and help himself wondering what lies underneath. Impressionist Movement basically crafts saturated subjects that would infer some crude information from the observer at the 1st glance. Either talking of the different art forms of ages or the history of mankind progress, imagination and reality will clash and cling like the two sides of a penny.

However, what matters the most is the underlying magnanimity of visual manoeuvre. The ceaseless harping of visual subjects peak shift the perpetual commodities of what has been observed. Then it balances the boundaries of importance allotted for a particular object thereby blurring the background context. Now the degree of variation in slicing the substance of observation signifies the subtlety of interpretation.

Talking of visionary illusions apart from Art taste of humans, monotonous perceival of the regular theme doesn’t occur for the human psyche. A human subliminal mind will replay the boring experiences and try to rewrite them creating pictures of interesting memories that reach your expectations of discernment. The artistic fleck of elucidating the memory captured offers you to bring its own meaningful chronicle. Now, who doesn’t like imagining the accomplishment of a reverie portrayed in reality’s realm?

You are tantalised, you are captivated and eventually, as you plunge into some deeper thought process, your stirring anticipation paints the creative odyssey. The eye of your memory entices your mind to envisage more thereby letting the frontal lobes of your brain sleep. The pliable panache of mind-s-eye now can occupy a voluminous activity of the limbic system as you dream. However, at the back of your mind, you have your rational intellect interfering your imaginary monsters. The unacceptable, illogical creative thoughts are dreadful to dance anymore in your dreams. Based on righteous reality, in pursuit of your personal soul, you are pushed back again and you wake up realising that was just a dream, you can hardly comprehend furthermore.

Freud’s belief that conscious and unconscious being the product of personal experience and honest exposure of psychic drives conflicts with Jung’s theories of psychoanalysis. Jungian belief states that the unconscious is the product of cumulative experiences inherited in genes, the principle parameters being the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. The ego is part of the conscious mind that depicts identity and control, thoughts and memories that one is aware of. The elemental archetypes portraying human behaviour and thinking nature are labelled as the Self, the Persona, the Shadow and the Anima/Animus.

Jung’s identification of thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting as the four basic functions of spirit leads to the classification of personality types such as
 The introverted thinking type.
 The extraverted feeling type.
 The introverted feeling type.
 The extraverted sensation type.
 The introverted sensation type.
 The extraverted intuitive type.
 The introverted intuitive type.
However, the greater deal of psychoanalysis lies on the unconscious part of mind. Here again, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung’s statement of psychological balance converges as both emphasize how important the unconsciousness of a soul is in opening up the traits of personality.

Terence McKenna’s mystic and psych nautical advocation of deconditioning himself from the lie of historical imprints, his explanations of Angels, Aliens and Archetypes, the paths of shamanism, alchemy, metaphysics are all different expositions of human mind and soul. A wizard of words and an explorer of psychedelics, McKenna unleashed the full spectrum of human mind communication discovering the higher dimensional entities that are doorways to the Gaian mind. Mind and Soul have always been the experimental interest of psychologists and Artists and they will always continue to be so as their consolidation paves the way for visionary experience and experiments of cosmic energies that encounter within us and the Universe.

“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”-Terence McKenna.

Hope you liked my take on the THE CONVERGENCE OF ART AND PSYCHOLOGY. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.



Godhuli Das

A budding CSE Engineer, having keen interest in writing and doodling. Hope to spread positivity by the grace of Humanity.