M Petersen
2 min readNov 18, 2016


A couple more points for your consideration… I don’t condone graffiti in any form but I remember when those lovely, colourful signs first went up notifying Burlingtonians about the “road diet”, I noticed that someone wrote “WTF” on it, and I thought it captured my sentiments exactly. How much did those signs cost? And how much did those pamphlets I received in the mail cost to produce and distribute? $210,000 all said and done!!! If someone had any respect for their position on city council as representing the people of Burlington, they would have paused for a minute and suggested that the people should be consulted prior to any action like this; an action that required a large sum of money. Instead, we were notified and asked after the fact. Therefore, I am not the least bit surprised that there is a petition circulating (now at 944 names) and that city councilors are receiving some flak about it. Clearly Burlingtonians are paying too much tax to the city if councilors feel they can spend a non-trivial amount of money on signs, pamphlets, paint, workers, etc, for a temporary pilot project that they didn’t bother to consult the tax-payers about. I don’t care much for the excuse that “it’s really hard to get this stuff right”. It seems this is a case of “it’s really easy to get this stuff completely wrong”. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a cycling network around the city. That is a good idea. This pilot was a bad idea, but nobody bothered to ask us beforehand. If this is how councilors choose to spend our money, perhaps they are better suited for other positions, like professional gambling. Especially since they decided to take a non-professional’s advice on city planning because it sounded progressive. I will be voting accordingly next election. Perhaps then Mr. Goldring and his staff will start listening.

