DoorDash partners with WalmartExtend delivery service with feedback to optimize business process and improve customer outcomesApr 26, 2018Apr 26, 2018
Can you train contractors without becoming a legal employer?A recent Uber Federal Court ruling points the wayApr 21, 2018Apr 21, 2018
Food Delivery, Part 3: Restaurant EvolutionA continuing analysis of the rapidly developing on-demand food industryApr 13, 20181Apr 13, 20181
Marketing In A Box: On-Demand Food Delivery Goes Mainstream, Part TwoThoughts about the On-Demand Economy by Gig Economy Group co-founder Mitch RatcliffeApr 3, 2018Apr 3, 2018
On-Demand Food Delivery Goes Mainstream, Part One: InstacartThoughts about the On-Demand Economy by Gig Economy Group co-founder Mitch RatcliffeMar 29, 2018Mar 29, 2018
Time to Rethink: Uber Autonomous Car Kills PedestrianNotes from Gig Economy Group cofounder Mitch RatcliffeMar 19, 2018Mar 19, 2018
Lyft Embraces Consumer Subscriptions, Easing Its Path to Share of WalletNotes from Gig Economy Group cofounder Mitch RatcliffeMar 19, 2018Mar 19, 2018
On-demand in small business: Four ideas for growthBuild services revenue by tying expertise to products, fulfilling delivery, service, and post-purchase support locally. Think…Mar 12, 2018Mar 12, 2018
MIT Paper Suggests the Gig Economy Is An IllusionThe Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research has released a paper that purportedly blows…Mar 5, 2018Mar 5, 2018
Giggers should think twice before jumping inThink creating consumers, not just saving on labor costsFeb 13, 2018Feb 13, 2018