The Top 5 Secrets to Getting Your Dream Job without having any Insider Connections … even if you are not the Most Qualified Candidate

Akshay Goel
10 min readDec 27, 2018

Struggling to get your dream job? Tired of not getting your resume noticed?

Thinking that you don’t have the skills/expertise/experience to bag your dream job?

You aren’t alone. Millions of people admit to submitting infinite resumes, attending multiple walk-ins, sitting in multiple interviews and at the end of the day, not having even a single job offer letter. Yet, you are sitting idle, only wishing to get your dream job and “thinking to enjoy your personal and professional life” instead of taking action.

If you’re reading this article, it’s probably for one of these reasons:

– You are stuck in your Job hunt

– Or perhaps your career isn’t where you want it to be, and you want to take things to the next level.

– Or perhaps you’ve tried everything and it didn’t work and you are wondering what are you doing wrong in your job search

– Or perhaps you daydream about doing something you love, then come up with excuses why you can’t. But, deep down, you know they’re just excuses



Akshay Goel

Top Career coach · Professional Speaker · Taught more than 100k students in 180 countries