A letter for you, my future self!

Radha Goyal
3 min readJan 15, 2023


Hello my future self,

When I imagine you, I see a powerful lady who has started to give back to the society.

I have a lot of dreams and expectations from you.

Hope you are still interested in learning new things, taking risks, attractive toward good vibes and meeting more people.

There should be a lengthy list of people you can count on.

You know, I have started to build connections. It fells good when those connections turns into friendships.

You know, i talk a lot. Disturbing my “good vibes” Connections, but don’t worry, I am maintaining your self respect.

You know, I believe I am beautiful. I am excited about the challenges. And it feels good that I have a lot of things to look forward to.

You are 21 now. It feels good to talk to you. It’s been a year approx you started writing. I hope, please say you haven’t stopped it!!

Please keep on writing. I have never felt so attached to any other activities. Not even drawing, coding or even YouTube stuff.

You don’t watch movie these days you know. No insta, no twitter, and very little time for Linkedln. I am sure Linkedln activity will improve later.

Things are not so balanced as well.

  • A cold War with mother.
  • Friends around are sad and you can’t help any.
  • A big bad decision I don’t wanna share it online. I hope you remember it later, Radha.
  • And that friend/lover dillemma!

You have been crazy and strong so far. I know maybe you are facing bigger challenges. These problems may seem little. But that’s what making you who you are.

I just wanna tell you one thing Radha. I haven’t stopped moving ahead for you. I am proud of the way I am dealing with things. 2 years back, I could not imagine I will be a writer, learning about websites, designs, wordpress, UX, UI, you are learning a lot!!

And I am making my own way also… it doesn’t matter to me what others think growth is. You are not earning. Naah not a Penny. You have to improve your communication, and put some efforts. I wonder, are you earning from your writing, or did you wrote a book? Or you have a job of coding? Hope your grammar has improved 😅🤭

And smile a bit dude.

Observe this life and people around you.

Aren’t they funny most of the times?

Saying one thing and doing other.

Hey by the way Radha, I wonder who you have married! Please don’t say you are still dreaming of that friend or you accepted that other boy’s proposal. He is cute though. 😁.

Yeah what to do dear. You were like that only. Sometimes I am tired of you myself. It’s exhausting to be excited all the time. To feel misjudged about your goodness and excitment. And sometimes people take your time for granted.

It’s not a big issue for me right now. If you do not have any solution yet, don’t worry. People doesn’t matter this much. Haha keep observing them.

See, I told you I talk a lot. Hope you have some time for yourself now. Enjoying whatever you do. Having a smile no matter what life throws at you. I just wish one thing for you dear, I wish you… I can’t think of anything!!

Krishna says, “I will take care of her, she don’t need these feeble wishes.”

Yup! Go ahead lady. Be strong.

And remember, don’t play with toxic people. Don’t start observing them you mad!

If things are easy, don’t worry. You don’t have to make them hard.

I feel shy asking you about your hubby. I don’t know what to dream of him. I just want someone who has some respect for me. And if you are not having that, divorce him.

Hahaha sorry dear, I am like that. I too am tired of this! Your love of life is beautiful, respectful, ethical person for sure. And you always have the option of leaving 😜😋.

Love yourself dear. Enjoy this life. We have only one. Now, as half is passed with all the mischief in me. It’s your turn.

Be this powerful so you start to radiate the energy. I wanna see you as a giver.

Hey reader, thank you for being the part. It is a lovely exercise for sure. I loved it!

You can do it as well, reader.

Just write whatever comes without judgement. Looking forward to be 30 or 25 and smiling at my 21 self.

Till then, keep building your everyday. This is going to decide the future you live in.



Radha Goyal

A driver on a journey to visit every corner. Sharing emotions of her life.