Embracing Pandemic Madness

Go Corona, Go
2 min readAug 26, 2020


Hello all! I don’t know about you but this pandemic has sure got me down and somehow after 5 months, it finally really, really sank in that this shit-fest is here to stay for a very long time*. Some of you are celebrating your release from corporate offices and into the sanctuary of your own homes so let me be the one to let you know that others like me have built their lives around escaping themselves and have had to turn their dressing mirrors the other way round just to get some peace.

After these many months of reading the NYT news section everyday followed by the Op-Ed section, followed by the Cooking section, followed by Reddit, followed by Hacker News, followed by Google searches for “feeling lonely during the pandemic and I hate it”, I’ve exhausted practically every form of written media, matched my symptoms against every psychiatric disorder and am still struggling to find some form of representation that closely aligns with the particular feeling of madness that ails me.

Thus, it is a feeling of resentment that compels me to begin writing this column as I charitably dub it. If so much of humanity spews nonsense onto the inter-web everyday (accompanied with a great deal of confidence might I add), I’ve decided I have as much right to vomit online as anybody else. Be tuned for future ramblings that elevate your own sense of well-being in relation.

*The first ‘really’ sank in somewhere in April. I hear that the third is scheduled to in the first week of November.

