Disrupt Video.

florian wedowski
3 min readAug 28, 2014

Make a brand video.

Note: Too lazy to read? Watch it on YouTube.

Don’t get me wrong. Words and Pictures are amazing and artful.
But video is better.
Price is a hard factor when it comes to video marketing. Every video is different. The price can be as low as you want it to be.

Email (florian@wedowski.com) or tweet me (@gohardout) if you want a video produced. Anywhere. (#Hint: www.90seconds.tv)

Any thoughts or questions? Email me too.

Currently my favorite video (with brand placement).


Important articles to read.

7 Reasons Why Marketers Should Be Using Videohttp://wipster.io/blog/7-reasons-why-marketers-should-be-using-video

[VERY GOOD] How To Make Your Brand Video Break Through The Clutter https://medium.com/@Wipster/fefb113b55f7

The Mighty Video Sales Funnelhttp://wipster.io/blog/mighty-video-sales-funnel

In-House Or Outsource?http://wipster.io/blog/the-great-video-debate-in-house-or-outsource

Video Producer At Xerohttp://wipster.io/blog/karl-drury-video-producer-at-xero

How To Make A Viral Videohttp://www.powtoon.com/blog/the-dollar-shave-club-viral-video/

A Cool Apple Adhttp://www.powtoon.com/blog/video-marketing-apple/


Casey makes pretty good videos.

Here’s the video version of this post.



