Cary Harrison
16 min readOct 28, 2014

Biological Weapons Expert Believes Ebola Purposely Created in Biowarfare Lab


This is a rush transcript from the radio broadcast of 10.27.14 (from California Public Radio’s “GoHarrison” and PRN’s “The Smart Show”). Transcript may not yet be in its final form.

CARY HARRISON: As we all try to understand the mysteries of the Ebola virus, many of us simply know from reports that is has suddenly and sporadically spread thousands of miles across Africa. If CDC information is correct – and Ebola is only transmissible through personal contact, questions arise as to how it quickly spread 3,500 kilometers without sufficient people to one-by-one spread it. European and African reports have implicated The World Health Organization and several other United Nations agencies in introducing live Ebola virus into healthy Africans, starting in early 2014. A later August 2, 2014 article headlined, “West Africa: What are US biological warfare researchers doing in the Ebola zone?”, begs questions about the known US government offensive biowarfare laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Well, for more, we’re joined by Professor Francis A. Boyle from the Law Building at the University of Illinois. Prof. Boyle was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism act of 1989, along with legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. Dr. Boyle served on the board of directors of Amnesty International and represented Bosnia-Herzegovina at the world court and holds a Doctor of Law, Magna Cum Laude, as well as a PhD in Political Science, both of those Harvard University. Also, he is the author of what is considered the template for understanding biological warfare — the book, Biowarfare and Terrorism — a book that outlines how and why the US Government initiated, why is has sustained, and why it has dramatically expanded an illegal, (which we are going to find out), biological arms buildup in places like Africa — where live testing may have been a contributor to the outbreak. Professor Boyle, we welcome you to KPFK’s GoHarrison on California Public Radio.

PROF. BOYLE: Thanks for having me on. My best to your listening audience.

CARY HARRISON: Prof. Boyle, here we have the Ebola virus as a health crisis in Africa, it’s come to Dallas, it’s been in Spain, and it’s popping up here and there in America. Coming out of nowhere, it’s exploding — any sense on how this could have come about?

PROF. BOYLE: The United States Government ran 3 bio safety levels for labs in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. They do all this type of Dr. Mengele work with biowarfare agents, everything you could possibly imagine, and I suspect, Ebola as well. If you look at the government’s account it somehow migrated by bats, that’s bat twaddle.


PROF. BOYLE: Right I mean, every previous outbreak of Ebola had been contained and it was only a 50% fatality rate. So, this strain that we are dealing with has a 70% fatality rate and it is Zaire Ebola. So how did Zaire Ebola move 3,500 kilometers to West Africa? Well, it wasn’t by bats, I think it was imported in there, into these labs, and you can take the story from there.

CARY HARRISON: Prof. Boyle teaches international law at The University of Illinois, holds a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a PhD in Political Science; both of those he got from Harvard University. We are looking at the notion of US bioweapons centers actually existing in affected Africa. We know, famously, how they exist in the most notorious of Bioweapons labs, Ft. Detrik, Maryland. How even down in Ft. Lauderdale there are labs — as well as in New Orleans, and how bioweaponry has been a pharmaceutical and DoD mainstay for many, many years. But, the notion that this thing could have been created in a lab and exported to Africa…

PROF. BOYLE: We know that after Ebola was discovered in 1976, The World Health Organization [WHO] ordered it to Porton-Down, the Brit Fort Detrick, for weapons purposes, who then forwarded on to CDC, for weapons purposes. So they have been working on Ebola as an agent for biowarfare purposes since at least 1976–1977. And they poured a lot of money into this under Reagan, ratcheted it up under Clinton’s Second Term, and then came 9/11 and the $79 Billion. More than enough time and money for US and UK to have manufactured two different Ebola biowarfare weapons and vaccines for them. This is much more dangerous than the WHO and the CDC are telling everyone. They know all about what ‘s going on.

CARY HARRISON: We don’t know if it was released on purpose, but we do know that it somehow got into the population. What we also don’t know is how a virus like this can travel 3,000 miles or 3,500 kilometers when we are told it’s not really airborne, you can’t sneeze it at somebody, you have to have symptoms first; casual contact won’t do it. These are real scientific mysteries here.

PROF. BOYLE: Well I like to apply Occam’s Razor here, and scientific theory to be sure, that is you look at all the phenomenon characterizing this round of Ebola in West Africa, Spain and the United States, everything. It can all be explained by Ebola being a genetically modified organism that can account for everything we are seeing here. All this other stuff, in my opinion is pure bull twaddle.

CARY HARRISON: I’m going to jump in here and remind our multitasking Afternoon Drive listeners that GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism, or laboratory gene-spliced, often, foods we’re familiar with. Imagine the GMO corn that we all eat in the United States, the massive ever-ripe tomatoes, foot-long bananas — things like that.

PROF. BOYLE: Franken-food by Monsanto, that’s right.

CARY HARRISON: And Novartis, two happy allies over there in Switzerland. Yes, Franken-foods… and now, we are talking Franken-weapons, using viruses.

PROF. BOYLE: I think that is correct, yes. I think that can account for everything we’re seeing today. This is how DNA genetic engineering of bioweapons has always worked. You use the same GMOing technology to create the biowarfare agent and then to create the vaccine for it. I believe I just sent you an email, The National Institute of Health has been doing biowarfare research on Ebola where they took live Ebola and encapsulated it with the common cold virus. Let me repeat that they took live Ebola, which is an RNA virus, and added that to the virus of the common cold. You get a GMO here that is more dangerous than the regular Zaire Ebola, from 50% to 70% fatality rate. It appears to have the degree of contagion not of the flu, but of the common cold. So we know they do this kind of work, I have reports of it, I have the contracts of it, and they have been doing it for quite some time. We have this Dr. Mengele up at the University of Wisconsin, the Bucky Badger University, who has resurrected the Spanish Flu virus for the Pentagon,

CARY HARRISON: Let’s remind people of what the Spanish Flu is so they get the impact of that.

PROF. BOYLE: For one, it killed 20 million people, he brought this back to life for the Pentagon. He also did GMO on Ebola to make it more virulent, and he also does flu virus work H5N1 and other types of flus. So one guy does, and in addition he does this “gain of function” type research, where it can jump from one species to another. He did flu GMO work to make the flu jump from ferrets, and the reason he picked ferrets is when it comes to flu ferrets work pretty much like human beings. So, we know just from public records, documents, contracts, if you look at them that all this type of Dr. Mengele research has been going on for quite some time. I have a document here from the Pentagon, 1988, stating quite clearly that the Center for Disease Control was doing biowarfare work for the Pentagon as early as 1988 and probably before that because they had to have constructed the lab. Also, Columbia University was doing biowarfare work for the Pentagon in Liberia, as of no later than 1988. So the CDC, NIH, Tulane University is over there in Kenema, they have a long history of doing biowarfare work. And of course, Ft. Dietrich was over in Kenema, in fact if you check the website of the Sierra Leone Government, their health ministry, this summer they shut down Kenema and blamed our US bio warriors in Kenema for outbreak of the pandemic. Saying that Tulane and the others were administering some type of vaccine against their people. Perhaps it was this NIH vaccine with the live Ebola mixed with the common cold, I don’t know. The facts I’m telling you are there in the public record, they slowly come out. It used to be as of 1988 you could get access to these biowarfare contracts by means of a Freedom of Information Act request, and I did get them. But after September 11, 2001 everything has gone underground so it is more difficult to figure out what they are doing.

CARY HARRISON: HARRISON with you. We are talking to Professor Francis Boyle, leading American professor, responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism act of 1989, represented Bosnia — Herzegovina in the World Court and now teaches international law at The University of Illinois. Harvard Magna Cum Laude as well. He is talking about mixing the Ebola virus with the common cold virus that you and I spread to each other in shopping malls, while shaking hands, and all the implications of that. He’s questioning the veracity of the CDC and the WHO. It turns out that the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, known as US AMRID had a physical presence in Africa, including, we’re told, Tekmira, the Canadian pharmaceutical company, along with Britain’s Glaxo-Smith-Klein, another big pharmaceutical, and the Kenema government hospital which is now closed down. All there, apparently doing vaccinations of healthy Africans with possibly Ebola virus.

PROF. BOYLE: It was some kind of GMO live Ebola, together with something like the cold virus which is why it is more contagious and can’t be contained. Unlike any of the previous Ebola outbreaks that were contained with a 50% fatality rate whereas this one is uncontained with a 70% fatality rate. You actually can’t believe anything the CDC is telling you because they are up to their eyeballs in US biowarfare work, same way with the National Institutes of Health. Since 9/11/01 we have spent $79 billion g this biowarfare dirty work. There are about 14,000 US scientists involved in biowarfare dirty work, I call them death scientists and this is death science, and we have about 1,500 labs here in the US doing biowarfare work. So this is not a question that they haven’t been given enough money. They have been given enough money and they have used it to do offensive biowarfare work. The pretext was they were doing this to protect the American people from emerging viruses like Ebola, but you can look around America today and it is clear they have done absolutely nothing to prepare American hospitals and healthcare people, doctors, nurses, for Ebola, that is pretty obvious. It is total confusion here. And at the very top the CDC and Frieden are just covering up their own involvement here. Indeed on Friday, they had the smoking gun in the New York Times, where Obama out of the White House on Friday afternoon when no one was looking, announced that there was going to be a halt on all this dirty biowarfare work. Which admits that is exactly what they had been doing until last Friday. And if you look at the list, Ebola isn’t on the list. Even though we know they do this type of work on Ebola, and why is Ebola not on the list? Because then everyone would have said, “Well what type of work were you doing on Ebola?”

CARY HARRISON: And to your point Dr. Boyle, these reports that are coming from outside the US media, because we are a little too tied up with the Kardashians right now. These reports talk about the Department of Defense giving a contract worth $140 million — this is just a couple of months ago — to Tekmira a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research, which involved injecting quote “healthy humans” with the deadly Ebola virus. Which, if there were ever an international suit, such is your expertise, I imagine the DoD would be listed as a collaborator in what was published as “The first Ebola human trials NCT02041715”, starting in January 2014, shortly before the epidemic was declared in West Africa in March.

PROF. BOYLE: That is correct. So I think all you have to do is connect all these dots and it is pretty clear, in my opinion what happened. The problem is at the highest levels of government, the Obama Administration, they know what happened here and they are covering it up. This guy Klein at Harvard Law School, the new czar, is no trainee, he is a political operative, and his whole objective here is to keep this whole thing under control until after the November 4 elections, so that hopefully the democrats can keep control of the senate. So yea, it is just a massive cover up by the CDC and NIH. The other problem is mainstream news media when going to experts, are going to all these Dr. Mengele like scientists, who did all this hideous work and research and development, and asking them for their opinions on what is going on here. And of course they are not going to say anything, they are going to spin. You have to understand under my Biological Weapons Antiterrorism Act, everyone involved in this is facing life in prison, it is that simple. I resisted all efforts for put the death penalty in there because I opposed the death penalty, but they all face life in prison. So of course they are going to cover everything up and lie about it, and deceive the American people.

CARY HARRISON: Interestingly enough Dr. Boyle, The Guardian, the famous newspaper that gave us Edward Snowden, who revealed the NSA – which is likely very much enjoying this conversation, by the way – the way I enjoy knowing they keep a backup of all my data going back 10 years but won’t let me retrieve any of my lost files [Boyle laughs]. . The reported that “US government funding of Ebola trials on healthy humans comes amid warnings from top scientists from Harvard and Yale that such virus experiments risk triggering a worldwide pandemic”.

PROF. BOYLE: That is correct, those of us in the private sector who have never done these Dr. Mengele experiments for the United States government and been on their payroll, have said this for years. I said in a documentary, Anthrax wars, I said this is a catastrophe waiting to happen, and I am afraid that it has happened.

CARY HARRISON: Prof. Boyle we also have troops that are being sent to these various areas in Africa, Cuba has sent some 150 physicians. America a population of 317 million has sent 7 doctors, but we have sent a lot of military guys. What do troops with machine guns do, medically speaking? Do you try to shoot a virus, is that how this works? With the public, it remains unclear.

PROF. BOYLE: No, it is perfectly clear, we sent in the 101st Airborne 3,000 of those people and 250 marines. The 101st Airborne are elite fighters, as is the Marine Corps. They go in under hostile fire if necessary, they kill anyone who gets in the way, and then they hold on to the land they have already obtained, then if necessary, certainly in the case of the Marines, they move forward from there. So these troops are not there to treat anyone, they are there to establish a US Military base in Liberia. The whole operation is under the control of Africa command, Africom was set up by Bush Jr, but they didn’t have a headquarters in Africa. Liberia offered to serve as their headquarters, so I believe this is being used as a pretext, command headquarters for the 101st Airborne has now been moved to Liberia. So my guess is that we are going to see the whole 101st Airborne in Liberia and more Marines. Those 250 Marines come from Camp Lejeune, my father was in the Marine Corps during World War II, and he invaded Saipan and Okinawa. Marines just kill anyone in there way until you achieve what their objective is, that is just what they are trained to do.

CARY HARRISON: So if the outbreak continues in exponential infections, as they are predicting, are we talking about containment through force?

PROF. BOYLE: There was actually a meeting reported by the New York Times last week, in Sierra Leone in Kenema with all the international governmental organizations supposedly in charge of this matter. And they made a decision there to give up treating anyone and just send them to their homes to die. You can read that in the New York Times, and the fellow in charge of Sierra Leone stalked out of the meeting and denounced them. So it is really clear the WHO, the CDC, everyone else has really given up on these people. MSF, they are trying, the Cubans are trying and some of the private NGO’s are trying. But the heavy hitters the governments, and these IGO’s, international government organizations, undoubtedly did what the big funders told them to do, which is the United States, Great Britain, and the European countries, so it is really clear that no effort will be made to save these people. And I think it is very clear if you look at, no meaningful effort was made from the very beginning at all. The CDC I’m sure, indeed it had been reported today that the DOD & NIH have a computer model on the spread of Ebola, I’m sure they have had that for some time and they know exactly what is going on here and what is going to happen in the future, including here in the United States.

CARY HARRISON: Professor Boyle, does that suggest then, here in the United States there could be allowed such pandemic whoopee? Would Wall Street knowingly succumb to that? Wouldn’t they break out the ultimate cure or at least a way to stop this thing from hitting Ohio and then spreading down through Alabama, causing serious havoc? Unless there is an upside to that somehow.

PROF. BOYLE: I really don’t know what exactly the agenda is here in the United States. Clearly the drug companies are all going to cash in on this, big pharma. Prior to this, big pharma did not do Ebola research because there weren’t big bucks in it. That then was delegated to NIH and CDC and the DOD and these 14,000 other death scientists. But now big pharma believes they can turn a buck, so they are getting into it and developing these so called vaccines that are worthless, or even dangerous. They very well can kill more people that could be saved and in any event they are probably going to die anyway. So that’s big pharma for you. And as you quoted in the beginning, in Africa that is what they have always done; black Africans have always been guinea pigs for big pharma. So as they see it they are going to cash in. As for the elite that run this country, I can’t say. As I said we spent $79 billion allegedly to develop a preventive vaccine for Ebola, maybe they have it and they have already had it. We do know that before the Anthrax attacks in October 2001, and that Anthrax was clearly weaponized by United States government sources, the entire Bush white house was already on Cipro, an anti-bacterial antibiotic. So for all we know, some of these top people might have had a successful vaccine that had already been developed, I just don’t know about that. I do find it curious that $79 billion and they still don’t have a vaccine? If they do have a vaccine it would be deep in the bowels of Ft. Dietrich or Galveston, or something like that.

CARY HARRISON: I am holding right here a missing DOD appropriations bill from 1970, it’s from a hearing, subcommittee for the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives. And it is for quote “a synthetic, biological agent within the next 5 to 10 years” They got $10 million under the Nixon administration. It further reads, “It would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism refractory to the immunological and therapeutic practices upon which we depend to maintain freedom from infectious diseases.” Something like an HIV virus, for instance. So we have this bill right here in print. A lot of these records go missing, but it is right there in public record, or was at one time as you pointed out, pre-2001. Asking for money for synthetic biological agents that will kill people. So we have these kinds of documented official proofs and it is important when we look at this Zaire Ebola. We all think there is just Ebola, but there are variants of Ebola and they all have different effects, is that correct?

PROF. BOYLE: That is correct, Seymour Martin Hirsch, the Pulitzer Prize winner, wrote the definitive expose on this in 1968. That the United States had developed an offensive Biological warfare industry all over the country and were researching things like that. This is before we became party to the Biological Warfare convention in 1974. My assessment of the situation was that a lot of that research was driven underground by the CDC and NIH and Ft. Dietrich and other places. They never really abandoned it, they continued it on lover more discreet levels until the Reagan administration came to power in 1981, and all the neocons under Regan truly believed in developing biological weapons. You can find the citation in my book Biowarfare and Terrorism. So they began to put billions of dollars into this, and then it was ramped up by Clinton in his second term, that was heavily influenced by Richard Danzig, secretary of the Navy, who has now cashed out by being on boards of all these pharmaceutical firms. And then under Bush Jr. it was $79 billion since then. So I think with that $79 billion what we have done is reconstructed the Biowarfare industry here in America that is clearly illegal and criminal, that we used to have in 1968 as exposed by Sy Hirsch in 1968.

CARY HARRISON: Well, I want to thank you for this conversation. Grim as it is; it asks many questions seemingly missing from the evening news. We learned today that you can do these kinds of experiments on live humans in Africa if they are not signatories to any kind of biological warfare convention. By that rationale, and somehow finding a way to leave morality out of it, they can then be used as a petri dish…. until things get out of control. Professor Boyle served on the board of directors for Amnesty International, represented Bosnia- Herzegovina in the World Court – is a double Harvard Phd Magna Cum Laude, and author of the bestselling book Biowarfare and Terrorism. Thank you for joining us today, Professor Francis Boyle.

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