How to Automate Your Workflow in Odoo: A Step-by-Step Guide

Shiv Technolabs
4 min readJun 3, 2024


How to Automate Your Workflow in Odoo: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Automate Your Workflow in Odoo: A Step-by-Step Guide

Odoo’s workflow automation is a powerful tool for improving a company’s efficiency. Automating repetitive tasks can help businesses save time and reduce human error. It streamlines business operations and allows employees to concentrate on strategic tasks. Odoo is a flexible platform that can be used to automate sales processes, interactions with customers, and internal operations.

Odoo customization services in Canada offers tailored solutions to specific requirements and needs for businesses in Canada. This guide will take you through the steps of automating your workflow in Odoo.

What is Workflow Automation?

What is Workflow Automation?
What is Workflow Automation?

In Odoo, workflow automation refers to using the built-in tools of the software to automate repetitive tasks. This includes tasks like sending emails, updating record, creating notifications or any other action that follows a certain sequence or set conditions.

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Odoo Workflow automation: How to optimize it

Odoo Workflow automation: How to optimize it
Odoo Workflow automation: How to optimize it

Step 1: Install Modules

Log in to your Odoo Account. Go to the Apps section once you have logged in. You can install various modules from this menu. Find the modules you need, such as “Automation”, “Studio” or “Workflow Automation.” These modules are necessary for automating workflows. To add each module to your Odoo, click on the Install button. These modules give you the tools to manage and create automated workflows.

Step 2: Define your Workflow

It’s crucial to define your process before you begin automating it. Identify all the steps that are involved in this particular process. If you want to automate approval of sales orders for example, list each step, from the creation of the order to its final approval. It is important to understand the workflow and set up a path for automation. By mapping out the steps, you can ensure that no aspect of the process gets overlooked.

Step 3: Create a Automated Action

Now that you have defined your workflow, it is time to create automated actions. Odoo’s Settings menu is where you will find it. Select “Technical” under the Settings menu and then “Automated actions.” In this section, you can create new automated actions. To start a new automated action, click on the “Create button”. Enter the required details, including the name of the new action, which model it will apply to (e.g. sales orders, bills), and other pertinent information. This is the basis for your automation.

Step 4: Set conditions

Conditions determine whether an automated action is to be performed. If you want to send an email when a invoice is validated you can set the condition: “Invoice Status =Validated.” The action will only be triggered when the condition is met. In the conditions section, define the criteria. These conditions will ensure that automation is run accurately and at the correct time.

Step 5: Defining Actions

You need to specify what actions you want to take when the conditions are met. The actions can be as simple as sending an email, updating records or adding new entries to the system. Select the action type from the list. Set the action up by specifying details such as the content of the email to send or the fields that need to be updated. This step defines the tasks that will be carried out by the automation.

Step 6: Test your Workflow

It is important to thoroughly test the workflow before launching it. Test scenarios should mimic real-world situations in order to determine if automation is working as expected. Test your workflow by validating invoices and confirming that the email was sent. Testing can help identify errors or issues in the workflow. Make adjustments to the automation based on test results.

Step 7: Monitor the situation and adjust

It’s crucial to monitor the performance of your workflow after it has been activated. Monitor the automated actions regularly to ensure they are working as intended. Check to see if your workflow meets your business requirements and if any areas need improvement. To fine-tune automation, adjust settings or conditions if necessary. Regular monitoring allows you to maintain the efficiency of the workflow, and make any necessary adjustments to keep it running smoothly.

The Conclusion of the Article is:

By reducing errors and manual tasks, workflow automation can be a significant benefit to any business. Following the steps above will allow you to set up automated processes that improve your business. Each step, from installing the modules to defining your automated actions and testing them is critical for a successful automation setup.

Working with an experienced Odoo developer in Canada to provide solutions tailored to your automation needs can be a great option for Canadian businesses. You can take advantage of Odoo’s automation features with professional guidance. This will help you to drive efficiency and productivity into your business processes.

CartCoders can help you reach your business goals with our Odoo customization services in Canada. Contact us today.



Shiv Technolabs

Shiv Technolabs is a top mobile app development company.